Round 1 - Eternal Glory Shall Await You

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Another year at Hogwarts has begun and you've been settled in for a few weeks now. But tonight while you're eating dinner in the Great Hall, the Headmaster calls for silence. He reveals that the TriWizard Tournament will be returning to Hogwarts, but with a twist. Sixteen competitors, four from each of the Houses, will compete in this competition.

He reveals the Goblet of Fire and asks those who feel brave enough to enter to do so and that the competitors will be revealed in a week's time.

Excitement and nerves fly through the castle and everyone is absolutely buzzing about the competitions. Dares are challenged, first years enter seeking eternal glory, and seventh years enter with a smirk on their faces, ready to win.

After a week, every single person gathers in the Great Hall, buzzing with anticipation about whose names are to be called forth from the Goblet. You're named is called with the other fifteen who embrace their challenge, whether they're ready to or not.

Let the Tournament begin...


-Describe the Headmaster revealing the competition and how your character feels. Are they excited to enter? Or do they feel nauseous at the thought?

-Why does your character enter? For the glory? On a dare? Describe why you're character has chosen to enter the Tournament and them putting their name in the Goblet.

-How does your character react to their name being called?

-Have fun and be creative!

-There is no word count limit.

-Please attach a word count with your entry.

Send entries to me via EMAIL writergirl3372(at) with the heading CHARACTER NAME - ROUND 1.

Entries are due SATURDAY, APRIL 15th by MIDNIGHT OF CENTRAL TIME. If you require an extension, please contact me ASAP to get one. Any entries submitted after this date without an extension provided will not count and will have a three point deduction taken from their final scores.

If you have any questions about this round, please post them below so I can respond to them. Happy writing!

Harry Potter and the TriWizard Tournament (A Writing Competition)Where stories live. Discover now