Round 2 - Results

44 7 0

Votes counted for two points each. Scores from previous rounds were added to create one score. An * means you did not hand in your entry. Two ** means you've failed to hand it in twice.

Samantha Evans - 32

*Ryan Lock - 4

Brooklyn Menace - 10

*Naomi Maxwell - 8

**Kara Osworth - -3

*Tammy Billsworth - 4

Kimble Winry-Dowel - 16

Ciara Woods - 14

Kierra - 4

**Emmie Cuddy - -3

Freesia Blackwell - 14

*Camille Lestrange - 0

Kotona Take - 20

**Rudi Chevlier - 3

*Telyn Tran - 8

Rose Ramos - 16


Brooklyn Menace


EXPELLED (Failed to hand in two entries in a row):

Kara Osworth

Emmie Cuddy

Rudi Chevlier

WARNINGS (did not hand in entry):

Ryan Lock

Naomi Maxwell

Tammy Billsworth

Camille Lestrange

Telyn Tran

Round 3 will be up shortly.

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