Hufflepuff #2 - Tammy Billsworth (-voidlahey-)

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Name of Character: Tammy Billsworth

Age: 15

House: Hufflepuff

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tammy has light brown skin with a few moles here and there. She has dark brown hair with tight curls that stop about shoulder length. She has cat-shaped eyes with chocolate irises. She's about average weight and stands around 5'8".

Traits: Tammy is very outgoing and friendly. She enjoys joking around with others and looks on the bright side. Her ambition can have people second guessing her being sorted in Hufflepuff but her loyalty makes up for it. She likes to work hard, but too often pushes herself too hard to obtain a goal. She's always thinking and is curious about anything and everything. She always is approachable unless she approaches you first. She can over think situations and accidently end up judging others too quickly. Tammy hates when people break her trust and hold s grudges over small things, but doesn't show it.

Wand: Hazel wood with unicorn hair care, ten and half inches, flexible

Boggart: Being abandoned

Patronus: Black and white cat

Blood Status: Pureblood

Background Info: Tammy has spent more time in her years growing up with her aunt and uncle than her parents. Her parents were constantly travelling and didn't want that to interfere with her education. She still got to see them from time to time. Her uncle was a Muggle therefore she learned a bit about the Muggle world and all that jazz, but was never really interested in it. When her younger sister and cousins were born, she spent time with them but not a lot. The six year age difference made it kind of difficult to have conversations as she knew things they didn't. She wanted to talk to children her age so when it was time for Hogwarts, she was eager to make friends and also graduate with top grades to improve her luck of getting a good career.

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