Hufflepuff #4 - Ciara Woods (Bobathekitten)

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Name of Character: Ciara Woods

Age: 17

House: Hufflepuff

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has long, burgundy red hair and light blue eyes. She has a slightly skinny waist but has curves. She is 5'6".

Traits: She is goofy at times but is serious when she needs to be. She is super outgoing. She stays true to her words and doesn't change it for anyone. She isn't afraid of being the "different one." She also loves making new friends!

Wand: Ebony Wood, unicorn hair core,12 3/4" in length, slightly springy and flexible

Boggart: Being alone in big crowds or dark spaces.

Patronus: Hyena

Blood Status: Half Blood; Muggle born mother and father is a wizard.

Background: When Ciara was 8 years old, her parents took her to the Quidditch World Cup. Because of the long lines to buy team merchandise, she was swept away in the crowds, losing sight of her parents. This caused her fear of being alone in large crowds. Her parents looked everywhere at the stadium but they weren't successful.

3 years later; Ciara was now 11 and received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As a little girl, all alone in Diagon Alley, she began buying the essential items with the money she gained from her uncle; she had called him after she got lost. Surprisingly, she bumped into her parents at The Three Broomsticks. She was reunited with them but when the time came, she had to travel to Hogwarts. Leaving her parents for a 2nd time, she pulled herself together and was off.

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