Hufflepuff #1 - Kara Osworth (MrFizzles-KingofHell)

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Name of Character: Kara Osworth

Age: 14

House: Hufflepuff

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kara has a warm caramel complexion, contrasting with her inky black hair that twists itself into small curls around her head. Her eyes often capture the attention of onlookers, their centers colored with hazel undertones and defined by a thin ring of black surrounding them. Just above her striking eyes lie her expressive eyebrows. They inch up or down in either amazement or disapproval, depending on her thoughts. Her frame is strongly built, yet still holding a lean figure. Her physique and average height add to the beauty of her uniqueness.

Traits: Kara is extremely witty and headstrong, excelling in talents such as stubbornness and sarcasm. These attributes often lead her to wonder why she was chosen for Hufflepuff, even though her darkest self is aware of the reasons. She doesn't let the influence of people around her sway her opinions at all. However, she has kept up a wall to protect the world from her harsh demeanor. Through her life she has made many mistakes, some gruesome enough to land her a spot on death row. Her biggest secrets lie within her emotions, so to leak any signs of her inner heart-led mind would be to endanger those around her. That's the last thing she desires, to cast further pain into her loved ones—or rather the fortunate people that survived her last path of destruction.

Wand: Ebony wood with a Phoenix feather core, exactly 12 inches in length and reasonably bendable.

Boggart: Kara's boggart would be people capable of seeing beneath her mask, into her true self which she keeps under constant lock and key. Patronus: Basset Hound

Blood Status: Half-blood

Background Info: Kara has been lying to herself her whole life. She is anything but proud of her history, carrying out anything to keep her past hidden from the minds of those left around her. She views her life story as a timeline of every single mistake she's made. Each one of them weighs her down; a constant burden lodging itself into Kara's thoughts. She would trade almost anything for a different past, she cannot forgive herself for her previous treasons. Though her days are ridden with self loathing and doubt, she keeps it hidden behind her formidable exterior. A wall she has kept up, despite her innermost tenderness. Though as Kara grew older, the wall had threatened to fall to her feet, exposing the world to her true identity, her best kept secret—one she could never speak of.


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