Gryffindor #3 - Brooklyn Menace (magic_mockingjay)

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Name of Character: Brooklyn Menace (BROOK-lin men-AHSS)

Age: 17

House: Gryffindor

Gender: Female

Appearance: At first glance, one would have assumed that Brooklyn would originate from the Slytherin house, and her sharply defined facial features do more than justice to prove that. With her medium-length pale blonde hair that just reaches the base of her neck, glittering ice-blue eyes partially hidden behind her bangs, and a small upturned nose that wrinkles at the strangest of occurrences around the school, she does look to be a stereotypical Slytherin student simply forced into Gryffindor's robes. Even her pale and slender tall figure makes her stand with such an intimidating air, one that made people almost cower in fear. However, Brooklyn is not as standoffish as one may think she is. Sometimes, one could note a glint in her eyes that hinted nothing but friendliness and warmth, and she does clear the bangs away from her face with bobby pins once in a while. There's no way to describe simply by appearance; it would take more than a first glance to discover who she is.

Traits: She may have the looks of a Slytherin, but she does possess most of Gryffindor's traits. One thing that defines her is her determination: she's very headstrong, and would not hesitate to back down from a challenge and finish it to the best of her ability. Most of the time she does exude friendliness and loyalty, and would not hesitate to stand up for her friends and help others in need. She is also very good at keeping the secrets that needed keeping. But against those she opposes and those who betray her, she can be very scary and intimidating, unafraid to pack a seriously mean punch in both her actions and her words. The best way to describe her, really, is like the snow in the winter; sometimes very pretty and nice to look at, but at other times very cold and fierce when a storm arises.

Wand: Hawthorn and dragon heartstring, ten and a half inches, good for Transfiguration

Boggart: A large Egyptian Cobra. If there's one thing Brooklyn is scared of, it's large poisonous snakes, and despite her family history, the mention of poison had the mere potential to send her over the edge. Add fangs to it, and that would top off the very thing that could make her screech, even faint if possible.

Patronus: A grey wolf

Blood Status: Pureblood. Both her mother and father are certified magic folk, and they too have undergone their education in Hogwarts.

Background Info: The Menaces are a well-known family in the wizarding world--a well-known Pureblood family, with most of its members finding a place in the Slytherin house at Hogwarts for many years (and rest assured, none of them have become Death Eaters). When Brooklyn was born, however, her parents knew that she would be different from the rest of the family, but that didn't mean they loved her less as a child. They raised her and taught her the wonders of magic, and all Brooklyn felt when she received her letter to Hogwarts was excitement. She eventually got Sorted into Gryffindor, the first of the family not to be Sorted in Slytherin, but her parents were still proud of her nonetheless.

Over the years, Brooklyn had watched many of her peers participate in small challenges around Hogwarts every year, the last one being the Battle of the Hogwarts Houses which one of her house mates in her year, Bianca Nagasaki, had emerged victorious from. She had always stood in awe of this Gryffindor student, and after the Battle was over, she and Bianca started to become acquainted with each other, eventually becoming very good friends. As the Triwizard Tournament rolled around, Brooklyn immediately signed up; she wanted to prove that she too deserved her place at Gryffindor and was not afraid to prove that. Perhaps the reasons she signed up were pretty cheesy, but it was her final year in Hogwarts, after all, and she wanted nothing more than to leave a lasting mark upon the school's--and Gryffindor's--history.

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