Ravenclaw #2 - Rudi Chevlier (RappyTheDinosaur)

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Name of Character: Rudi Chevalier

Age: 17

House: Ravenclaw (Honorarily. He's an exchange student from Beauxbatons attending Hogwarts only for the year.)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rudi looks nothing like either of his parents, which makes sense because he was adopted. He does however look surprisingly similar to his adopted grandfather (on his mother's side.) Rudi was adorable as a child and grew to be quite handsome as he got older. His hair is curly and golden blonde, and his bright blue eyes shine with mischief. His skin is pale, and though he lost a lot of his baby chub, he kept the rosy hue to his cheeks. He's not quite six feet tall, and reasonably muscular from his involvement with sports. His parents often joke that he looks like a renaissance painting of a cherub. He doesn't mind— people are easily charmed by his innocent looks, and that makes flirting easier.

Traits: Rudi is curious, talented, and flirtatious. He thrives off of attention and accolades, which is why he puts so much effort into studying and doing well in his lessons, as well as playing quidditch. While at Beauxbatons, Rudi is popular with guys and girls alike, and is able to walk around his school like some sort of king. He can be a bit arrogant, and is uncomfortable when he's not the center of attention. Rudi is cheerful and positive, seeming to radiate sunshine (it might be the hair.) He is fluent in French and German, but his English is spotty at best.

Wand: Beech wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12.5 inches, reasonably bendy.

Bogart: A dementor. You can't charm or flirt your way past a dementor, and they cut through to the darkest parts of you. Also Rudi's father can become quite terrifying when casting darker spells, and his dementor core wand is at the core of it.

Patronus: a golden retriever.

Blood Status: He's not sure, since his birth parents are unknown. His magic is potent, so it doesn't really matter.

Background Info: As the adopted son of David Goethe and Cerise Chevalier, Rudi had an interesting upbringing. His mother and father, though very close, are nothing more than friends. They live together and co-parent Rudi lovingly, but they sleep in separate rooms and have nothing close to romantic about their relationship. The three of them live comfortably in an apartment in France, populated by a wide variety of magic creatures ranging from fellow wizards to centaurs and fairies. Rudi's father is kind but stern, with a talent for morally-dubious memory magic. His mother is sweet and scatterbrained, with a love for magical creatures and runic studies, but not much skill with magic itself. Cerise has a tendency to catch things on fire at random points, including her own hair and the apparent furniture, so David taught Rudi water spells as soon as he was old enough to hold a wand. His grandfather Adrien Chevalier is the headmaster of Beauxbatons, which makes popularity easy for Rudi in his home academy.

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