Ravenclaw #4 - Rose Ramos (hawaiianhorse09)

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Name of character: Rose Ramos

Age: 16

House: Ravenclaw

Gender: Female

Appearance: Rose has long dark brown hair to her waist, and warn brown eyes. She also has a silver septum piercing, and a secret tattoo in her parents writing, "hindi nag-iisa" on her ankle, which means never alone in Tagalog. She gets her tan skin from her mother, who was Filipino. She has the average body; not to thin or thick. She's pretty short for 16, standing at 5'4.

Traits: Rose is quiet and shy, but agile and hardworking. She gets stressed easily because she doesn't like disappointing people, and usually works by herself, except when teacher assign group projects. Her most negative trait is her self consciousness. She is usually calm and uneasily provoked, but can snap if it gets too much to handle.

Wand: Pine wood with a Phoenix feather core. 12 3/4 inches in length and hard flexibility.

Boggart: It would turn into her drowning or her in large amounts of water, like the ocean (aquaphobia)

Patronus: Basset Hound

Blood Status: Half-Blood (mother was a witch and father, a muggle)

Background info: She was born to a witch mother, Angela, and a muggle father, Phillip. At a young age she became interested in magical creatures, and got it from being alone most of the time, as an only child. She likes learning new things and tries hard to impress people.

Her parents both died to death eaters, which drowned them both. That's where her fear of water comes from. She didn't see it happen, but the ministry told her themselves. What was even more heartbreaking was that the death eater was her aunt, but she still never knew the reason why her parents were killed.

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