Round 2 - A Hunting We Will Go

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The first task has arrived. Eagerly anticipated by the school, they line up around the edges of the Forbidden Forest, waiting to see who will run out screaming first. The bets have already been placed. Nervous, you wait in the tent provided for you and your fellow competitors for the details of the first task to be explained.

Finally, the Headmaster enters holding four scrolls in his hand, each tied with a different color ribbon; yellow for Hufflepuff, red for Gryffindor, green for Slytherin, and blue for Ravenclaw.

Each four House members must work together as a team to gather these items.

He tells you that your first task is a scavenger hunt through the Forbidden Forest to find several things there. Each of the items you must gather is written on the scroll of paper in his hands. He hands one to everyone and bids you good luck.

With that, a cannon goes off and the first task begins. You open the scroll to reveal a poem:

These four things must you find,

In this Forest in an hour's time,

A strand of silk from an Acromantula's web,

But be warned, for they will want you dead,

A silky hair from a unicorn's tail,

The silvery blood shall show the trail,

An arrow from a centaur's quiver,

But their knack for violence can make you shiver,

And last but not least the thing you shall seek,

Is hidden from the bold, but not the meek.


-Desribe how your character feels about the first task.

-How do your character and their team work through all of the problems to get the items in the alloted time?

-What does your team come up with for the last item? What did they try to find?

-How well does your team work together, seeing as you're all competitors in this?

-Have fun and be creative!

-There is no entry length limit.

-Please attach a word count with your entry.

Send your entries to me via EMAIL writergirl3372(at) with the header CHARACTER NAME - ROUND 2

Entries are due SATURDAY, MAY 20th by MIDNIGHT OF CENTRAL TIME. Any entries submitted after then will not count.

If you need an extension, please let me know. c:

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