Chapter 6.

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The next day, Johnny awoke from his deep slumber. He looked around the room slowly. No one to be seen. She shifted in his hospital bed before clutching his side. He was still in quite a bit of pain. He looked around once more before leaning his head back. The only sound heard was his stomach growling.

Suddenly the door opened, the male's head tilted forward before his eyes widened. A small look of shock sat on his face.

"How you doing?" The voice spoke, leaving Johnny in a daze.

"I'm doing well sir" Johnny spoke as she adjusted himself before breathing in a painful breath.

"Samuel. It's Samuel. And take it easy. I'm just here you bring you some breakfast, and to talk with you about what you did" Samuel held out a small bag to him before sitting down. "Blueberry bagels and cream cheese. Kahla asked me to bring them"

Johnny sat there, explaining what had happened the night he was stabbed. He tightened his fists as he laid his head back.

"I was just so mad... He was trying to hurt her... " He stated as he closed his eyes before opening them once more. "I couldn't allow it to happen. "

Johnny felt a hand press of his shoulder. He looked upwards towards Samuel as he spoke. "I appreciate what you did.... Thank you. Kahla insists that you come over for dinner sometime... When your all better. But... Maybe I'll just take us all out. Your dad can come as well"

Johnny stated at him in disbelief before shifting his head in agreement. "Yeah. That sounds great" 

Johnny watched the male leave as he sat back, staring at the ceiling. That was the scariest thing he had encountered. Her father!! He wasn't sure how he had gotten through that.... In one piece.

Eventually, that afternoon, Kalha walked into the hospital, a box inner hand. She made it to Johnnys room, noticing that the theater crew was in. She smiled, watching them from the window before she set the box at the nurses station before heading to the cafeteria. She needed a coffee.

Kahla had been working off the clock. Helping out at the theater and dance classes. She barely had anytime to herself. She rubbed the side of her face, sitting down at a table. She pulled her phone out and looked at the time before she pulled out her schedule book.

Buster had finished speaking with Johnny before adjusting his tie. He stepped out of the hospital room and pulled out his phone. He walked down the hallways until he reached the cafeteria. He got himself a sandwich before glancing upwards.

"Hey Kahla! What you doing here?" Buster questioned before he sat in front of her.

"Oh hey... How goes buster?" Kahla questioned as she runs bed her head slightly

"Ah fine. Thanks for asking. Just drinking lots of coffee" she chuckled before rubbing her cheeks.

Buster watched her as he raised a eyebrow. "Is something the matter? You seem pretty down" he sat on the chair across from her.

"Nothing. It's just.... I have a problem" she stated as she held her head.

Buster sat there and stared at her as she leaned closer towards her. He knew she needed someone to listen. He watched her sigh, before she started to spill out her story to him.

"And I don't know what to do. I feel like.... I have to talk with Johnny about it... But what if he gets mad!" She questioned as she looked at him.

"Well... You did the right thing. I'd just go tell him. " Buster encouraged as she nodded and got up before shaking his hand.

Kahla grabbed a drink for Johnny and headed towards his room. She rubbed the back if her neck as she looked at him, he was reading a book. She smiled to herself before pushing the door open.

Her eyes glanced at Johnny as she smiled softly and walked up towards his bed "Hey"

Johnny looked up and then shifted as he waved quickly

"Khala. How're you?" He questioned as he grabbed her hand

"I'm well... Thanks. I hope your feeling alot better. I hope you heal quickly so we can get out of this place" she stated as she handed him the drink bought for him. "Your father and uncle's should be stopping by later. My father wants to give them a job"

"Wow. That's great" Johnny spoke as he laughed softly.

"So. I have some crazy news" she spoke, gaining Johnnys attention

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