* Chapter 15 - At Ease

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-November 1st of 1312

Much later that same evening Lena waits for Captain Darrell, Master Sergeant Robertson, and Chief Officer Gauthier to appear in her study. Though exhausted, she still had a mountain of tasks to complete before mercifully passing out.

The door creeps open as Chief Officer Gauthier carries a familiar stuffed duck accompanied by the other two. They silently shut the door behind them as their faces are tired and grave with a sad sheen in their eyes.

It merely becomes more pronounced as they automatically line up and salute. There is a noticeable familiar gap which was once filled. After a second, Chief Officer Gauthier steps sideways and closes the pronounced gap.

Without promoting Captain Darrell wearily reports, "The attack was a triumph and a success, General Bartholomew. Our casualties were minimum with only 150 brave souls of men and women lost. However, numbered among fallen we did lose two officers, Corporal Quarrie and Lieutenant Jones."

"You have my condolences on your loss," Lena softly said.

Captain Darrell and Master Sergeant Robertson blink rapidly to keep the tears from their eyes. From what Lena knew, the three of them were childhood friends and grew up together in the same town and even entered the ranks of the military at the same time. Though it was hard for them, they ascended despite the fact that none of them were nobles of any kind, but regular townsmen folk.

"For no man, could ask for more, than he who gives his life for the sake of another," Lena softly said as the men solemnly bowed their heads for a moment of silence.

Lena breaks the heavy silence, "Time waits for no one and though it pains me, time marches on," Lena firmly stated.

They nod and stiffen their shoulders as they raise their heads, though their cheeks may be wet. "Master Sergeant Robertson, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant. Corporal Ace having managed the fort well and exemplary in our absence shall be promoted to Sergeant. As for the rest of the officers, I leave the task to the both of you to promote," Lena swiftly stated.

Lieutenant Robertson removes his glasses and cleans them, before gruffly saying, "Thank you, General, sir."

"Have ye any questions before you are dismissed for the night. The day has been long and we are all in much needed rest. Tomorrow, there will be many things to do, but they can wait until tomorrow," Lena wearily asked.

After a pause, Lieutenant Robertson timidly asks, "General, sir, why did we not ransom the Kingdom of Cypress or conquer the land into our own?"

"Because if we were to do so, not only would our Kingdom be bankrupted but our borders would be open to any attack," Lena calmly retorted.

Noticing the puzzled expressions of Lieutenant Robertson and Captain Darrell Lena adds, "Our military is in the process of changing and strengthen itself. If I were to send new recruits into a hostile kingdom, what will happen? I know of an example, where a strong empire spread itself so thin, that a once mighty military collapsed.

For our kingdom, not only is Cypress a liability, but a noose around our neck. The past ruler of Cypress, not only managed terrible the finances of the people but the common welfare. We would have to shoulder the debt of that kingdom, which we are in no positon to do. That is why it is far better to have Cypress as an ally than as a territory."

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