Chapter 30.2 - Forgive Me

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A tawny haired man in his late twenties climbs up the stairs to the Cathedral of the light as a beauty with green eyes and a shy dark haired woman stride down the stairs. The smaller of the two catches his eye as the woman unconsciously turns towards him. He holds her gaze for a moment before turning away as the woman stares at him with confusion and something else in her eyes.

The tawny haired man walks past the massive beautiful engraved doors as the smell of incense fills the cathedral as the fading sunlight through the glass stained windows paint the floor in majestic colors. Soft music fills the air as novices play gentle and tranquil melodies to smooth the soul.

A priestess recognizes the devout patron as she smiles warmly. "Greetings brother, how fares the light this day?"

"Well, holy priestess. I was told that I could speak to the Bishop, he is expecting me," The tawny haired man politely replied.

The priestess nods in understanding and moves aside to let the man past her. The tawny haired man easily walks the halls into the inner sanctum of the cathedral. He stops before a magnificent red wood door and knocks.

"Come in," the voice calmly ordered.

The tawny haired man quietly enters the room as the door softly clicks shut behind him. A man with fading pink hair and large brown eyes glances up. Still handsome despite his age, Bishop Monroe says, "How is your mission in spreading the Light progressing?"

"Perfectly, your grace," the tawny confidently said.

Bishop Monroe eyes the man before him as he carefully says, "Yes, the pledges have increased as the daily masses are full. But, it seems your actions are a bit too loud. Two women of the Investigation unit came by today asking about the process of Holy Water-."

"I'm certain it is nothing, your grace," the tawny haired man interjected.

"You underestimate them. Though novices, they were all chosen by that woman. Tonight's sacrifice will be the last and then you are to return to your family's domain awaiting further instructions," Bishop Monroe

The tawny hair man stiffens and reluctantly answers, "Yes, your grace."

Something in the tawny haired man's expression failed to convince Bishop Monroe. "I mean it, I will not tolerate disobedience," Bishop Monroe roared.

The tawny haired man hides his irritation and stiffly replies, "As your grace wishes."

Bishop Monroe frowning dismisses the tawny haired man. The operative sent was much to indiscreet and relished his positon too much for Bishop Monroe's liking. He would send word that that wolf had gone feral and needed to put down.

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