I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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Hey guys, this is my first story on here. So, I hope you like it! Message and comment me please, thanks! (:

"Come on Kylie!" I heard my twin brother, Kyle, yell.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back from my room.

I was in the middle of getting ready for school. I decided to wear jean shorts, a pink Abercrombie shirt and white old navy flip flops. I put on lip gloss, grabbed my bag and headed down stairs.

"Jeez Kylie you take forever to get ready for school," he said as we walked to his car.

"Oh shut up Kyle," I told him as I sat in the car.

I put my seatbelt on and stared out the window. After a while I started to realize that we weren't going towards the school.

"Kyle, where are we going?" I asked him.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you, we have to pick up Cole for awhile because he's getting his car fixed," he told me.

"That's just great, now I have to deal with two assholes on the way to school," I said.

"Why do you hate him so much anyway?" he asked me.

I didn't answer him, instead I just thought back to how it all started.


"Kyle, someone's here to see you," my mom said from the kitchen.

"Okay," he said as he walked to the front door to let Cole in.

"Who are you?" Kyle asked.

"I'm Cole," Cole said.

"I'm Kyle," he said introducing himself.

"I was wondering if you wanted to play with my action figures with me," Cole asked him.

"Well, I was playing with my sister. Is it okay if she comes too?" Kyle asked him.

"Sure," Cole said.

I had followed Cole and Kyle outside to our front lawn. We stayed out there for hours playing. Cole used to come over our house every day when we were little, and he still does. But now he's only Kyle's friend, not mine. One time when I was over his house we were playing tag outside. It was in the middle of the summer and we were running around the pool. I fell in and I didn't know how to swim, Cole ran in and got his mom. She jumped in the pool and saved me. From then on Cole and Kyle knew that I was terrified of pools.

I never learned how to swim because I was too much of a chicken to try and learn. One day when we were in ninth grade, we were having a water gun fight. We were in Cole's yard, just messing around. Kyle made a water balloon and started to chase me with it. I turned around look at Kyle to see how far behind me he was. I forgot that Cole had a pool. I fell in the deep end and instantly began to panic, without any hesitation, Cole jumped in after me. He pulled me to the shallow end and carried me out of the pool.

In that moment I realized that I liked Cole more than just a best friend. I actually had feelings for him. Cole was attractive; girls would throw themselves at him day after day at school. Cole was tall with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes with a natural tan.

Cole would always tease me about how I liked him, but I would just deny it. Then one day, I decided to tell him how I really felt about him. I told him to meet me at the park at six. Cole was there, but there was some blonde chick there with him, Sandy. And Sandy was making out with Cole. I burst into tears as soon as I saw him with her. When he finally realized I was there, it was too late, I had already taken off.

"Kylie...Kylie!" I heard him yell.

But I didn't look back; I just ran all the way home. I ran straight up into my room and cried for a week.

I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytaleWhere stories live. Discover now