I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry! I know that it's been three months since I've last updated and I'm so sorry! I just recently had a family member and a close family friend pass away so I haven't been in the mood to write. I was also busy before that but that's a horrible excuse. Okay, enough of my rambling! PLEASE comment, vote & become a fan, it would mean a lot to me. Thanks so much (:


I awoke bright and early the next morning due to the fact that I left my curtains wide open last night and the sun shining in my face this morning woke me up. I rolled over, got out of bed, and sleepily walked towards my bathroom. I took a quick shower and then threw on soffee shorts and a t-shirt and threw my hair up in a bun.

When I walked down stairs I was surprised to see Cole, Kyle, and that girl with brown hair last night, asleep on the couch. I guess they all slept over then. 

I walked into the kitchen and starting making egg and cheese with some bacon. I decided that I was just going to be nice and make breakfast for everyone seeing as though I was already up. 

Kyle sleepily walked into the kitchen and sat down on the bar stool at the counter.

"Hey Kylie, what are you making?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Scrambled eggs with cheese, some bacon, and toast. I figured that I'd make some for everyone." I said as I cooked the bacon.

"That's nice of you." Kyle said.

"Yeah, so what are you doing up this early? You never are."I asked.

"I think the smell of bacon woke me up." Kyle laughed.

Just then, Sydney walked into the kitchen in light green soffee shorts and a black tanktop. 

"That's what woke me up too!" Sydney laughed.

"High-five Syd! Bacon is awesome!" Kyle exclaimed as he and Sydney high-fived.

Okay, those two are officially weird, but at least they're getting along now. 

"You two are so strange." I said.

"Are not!" They argued.

"Are too!" I argued.

"Are not!" 

"Are too!" 

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are no-" They began.

"For the love of bacon, shut up!" Cole yelled.

We all started laughing like crazy. Really, for the love of bacon? Is this boy serious right now?Geez, I'm surrounded by some weird people. Everyone here is obsessed with bacon except for me apparently.

Honestly, I didn't even see Cole come in. I guess we had waken him up with our argument, whoops. 

"Really Cole? For the love of bacon?" I asked.

"Yes, really. Bacon is God's gift to the world." He smirked.

Cole wasn't wearing a shirt, no shocker there. And he looked gorgeous as usual, even though he just woke up. He blond hair was slighty messy but it had that 'I just rolled out of bed' hot hair look so it looked fine; unlike mine which was thrown up into a messy bun. 

Cole sat down next to Kyle and they began talking about how awesome bacon is. 

"Let me guess. The smell of bacon woke you up?" I asked.

"Obviously. Why else would I be up at seven in the morning on a Saturday morning?" He asked, smilingly.

"Good point." I said.

I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytaleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن