I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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Here's the next part, please vote, comment, and become a fan, thanks so much!

~Cole's point of view~

I walked out of the hospital. I really didn't want to leave the hospital, or most importantly, Kylie. But since Kara is home from college and my mother claims that Kara wants to see me, yeah right. She hardly ever paid any attention to me when she was home. She was too busy with that stupid boyfriend of her's; Drake.

I made it home within like ten minutes. I walked in the front door and noticed that my dad was no where to be seen and that my mom and Kara were watching tv in the family room. They were watching CSI: Miami; typical.

"Hey mom, hey Kara." I said as I took off my jacket.

"COLE!" Kara yelled as she ran over to hug me.

"Hey Kara." I said as I hugged her back.

"I've missed you so much Cole!" She said.

"That's hard to imagine." I said.

"Cole, I'm sorry I was so mean to you and didn't bother with you last year when I was with him." She said as she looked down.

"Yeah okay." I said.

I've heard this so many. The whole 'Drake will never get between us again' speech. You have no idea how many times I've heard it. Quite frankly, it's getting a little boring.

"I know I've missed up a lot when I was living here with you and I am actually sorry this time Cole; I really am." She whispered.

Kara actually did look sincere this time. I guess I'll give it some time to see how things go.

"Okay Kara." I said.

She smiled, "How about we go out for lunch and catch up on things?"

"Alright, that's sounds good." I agreed.

"Great, just give me like twenty minutes to get ready, okay?" She said.

"Okay." I said,.

Kara went upstairs to go get ready. Kara and I were complete opposites. I had blonde hair with blue eyes, while she had dark brown hair and brown eyes. I got my blonde hair from my mother and my blue eyes from my father. Kara got her brown hair from our father and her brown eyes from our mother. Kara is very pretty and she always had a boyfriend throughout high school. But Kara wasn't a slutty girl, yeah she was a cheerleader and all but I made sure that she didn't become a whore like Sandy. The last thing I wanted was my sister to turn out like one of those desperate girls, begging for attention.

I warned all of my friends to stay away from her. Even though I was a sophomore last year, since I played football I was friends with all most all the seniors on the football team. Some wanted to go out with my sister, while others wanted something else. I refused to let them treat my sister like trash. Drake and I used to be best friends. At the beginning of last year, Drake told me that he liked Kara. And of course, I told him to stay away from her because he was a player. He said that he would so I figured that he actually would. One day Drake stayed home from school because he was sick, Drake never gets sick so I figured that I would go over after school and see what's up. After school I drove over there, I walked up to the door and it was unlocked and it was open so I walked in and I didn't see anyone. I went upstairs to his room and saw him and my sister making out on his bed. Long story short, I flipped out on him, we got in a fight, and never talked to each other ever again.

"Cole are you ready to go?" Kara asked, walking down the stairs.

"Yeah let's go." I said as I grabbed my car keys.

We walked outside to my car, got in, and headed off to the diner.

*Sorry, I know that this was a filler. The next parts will be important, I'm just setting this up for something important that's going to happen. So, please vote, comment, and become a fan! Thanks (: *

I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin