I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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Here's the next chapter, sorry it's so short. I have finals this week and I wasn't even going to put up another chapter but I decided to take a break from studying and put it up. I probably won't have another for like a week or so. I'm pretty sure I'm the only school that still goes until next Friday, which sucks. But once school's done the chapters should be coming up faster. Please comment and vote! (:

My mom smiled at each of us before she continued.

"You both know your Aunt Lynn," she began; both of us nodded our heads.

"Well, her daughter, your cousin Sydney, is coming to live with us!" she exclaimed.

"Why?" Kyle asked her.

"Well honey, Aunt Lynn's going through a bit of a rough patch in her life right now. Her and your Uncle Liam are having some problems. Aunt Lynn doesn't want Sydney around to see them argue all the time," my mom said.

"Why can't she go to Aunt Brooke's house?!" Kyle practically yelled.

Well as you can see my brother and Sydney didn't exactly get along very well. Sydney and I, on the other hand, were inseparable when we were younger. But it's been years since I've seen her because they moved to Texas when I was ten.

"Because I think she would adjust better if she stayed with us," my mom said.

"Whatever!" Kyle yelled as he walked away.

I knew that my mom was only trying to do what she thought was best for Sydney. I could tell that she had been hurt because she thought that Sydney and Kyle

would perhaps get along better now that they were older.

"Well, I'm excited mom," I told her as I hugged her.

"Thanks sweetie. At least I know that I didn't completely make the wrong decision," she said.

"When is she coming?" I asked.

"She will be here Friday, right after you guys get home from school," she said.

"Alright sounds good," I said.

"Okay. I'm gonna start making dinner now," she said as she walked towards the kitchen.

I walked upstairs and headed towards Kyle's room. I knocked on his door before I entered.

"What do you want?" he asked in a mad tone.

"Just to talk," I said as I sat down next to him.

"Look, I know that you and Sydney were best friends when we were younger but we just never got along. And besides she was always the flirt. She would always flirt with my friends and I don't want her doing that when she comes here," he said.

"I'm sure if you tell her that they're off limits then she won't try anything," I said.

Sydney was very pretty. Aunt Lynn and Uncle Liam would send us Christmas cards every year with the three of them on it. Sydney had dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes. She always had the boys coming after her. She was just naturally pretty. She was the same age as Kyle and I, seventeen. I was actually excited about Sydney coming because I haven't seen her in about seven years.

The rest of the night went by as it normally would. After dinner, I went upstairs, took a shower, and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning and got dressed and headed to school. I waited outside for Kyle since he was my ride to school today. We rode to Cole's house to pick him up.

"Hey guys," Cole said as he took a seat next to me in the back.

"Hey man," Kyle said.

"Hey Cole," I said.

"So what's new?" Cole asked.

Kyle shot me a look that said don't tell him about Sydney yet, I wanna tell him. Sydney used to live around the corner from us before she moved. She also

used to have the biggest crush on Cole but at the time he didn't like her back. But now, that could certainly change. I nodded in agreement.

"Same old, same old," I said as I chuckled.

Cole immediately knew that I was lying.

"Tell me Kylie," he whined.

"Nope!" I said with a smirk.

Cole started tickling me and I couldn't take it any longer.

"Kyleeeeeeeeee! Let me tell himmm!" I exclaimed between my fits of laughter.

"Fine," he sighed.

Cole stopped and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Well, you know our cousin Sydney?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said.

"Well, she's coming to live with us," I said.

"That girl who used to have the biggest crush on me when we were younger?" he asked.

"Yes that one," I laughed.

"Well you know that she most definitely won't be able to resist me now," he smirked

That's when it hit me. She would like Cole again and this time the feeling would be mutual because she has gotten so much prettier. We arrived at school and I got out of the car and slammed the door shut and stormed off.

"Kylie!" Cole yelled after me.

I didn't stop to turn around, I just kept going towards where Allie and Jason were standing.

"Hey girl," Allie said.

"Hola," I said.

"So what's up?" she asked.

"Oh not much. Just that my cousin Sydney is coming to live with us and she used to like Cole before she moved. Now she's definitely gonna like Cole again and this time, I'm pretty sure, he's gonna like her back," I said.

"Oh come on Kylie don't worry about that," she said.

Jason walked away to go to his locker which just left Allie and I.

"But it's true," I said.

"Why do you care, do you like him?" she asked me.

"No!" I yelled defensively.

"Kylie!" she exclaimed.

"Ugh fine. Wanna hear me admit it? I'm completely in love with Cole Andrews!" I yelled.

I clearly didn't know how loud I actually did yell it.

"Uh Kylie?" Allie said.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Turn around," she said.

I turned around to see no other than Cole and Kyle standing there with unreadable expressions on their faces.

"I gotta go," I said as I ran.

Cole and Kyle both grabbed me before I could make my escape.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"No," they both said at the same time.

Oh boy was I in for it. They were gonna to make fun of me for the rest of my life. Neither of them would ever let me live this down.

"Just let me go. You can both embarrass me later and tell me how you don't like me Cole. And how you will never have any feelings for me, or how stupid I am for ever liking someone like you!" I yelled as the tears began falling from my eyes.

I finally managed to escape their grip and run towards the school without turning back.

There's a slide show of what they look like on the side. the order is Kyle, Kylie, Cole, Sydney. (Kyle: Jesse McCartney. Kylie: Chelsea Staub. Cole: Channing Tatum. Sydney: Vanessa Hudgens.)

*Thanks for reading, some comments and votes would be awesome, thanks (: *

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