I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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*Hey guys, here's the next part! Sorry I didn't upload sooner, I was busy with school and stuff. Anyways comment, vote, and become a fan please! Thanks!*

~Kyle's point of view~

I looked at my sister sleeping in her bed. She still hasn't woken up and I'm starting to get a little worried. Cole hasn't left her side at all. He was really concerned about Kylie. Even though he refused to leave he was still the one who did this and I'm still kind of mad at him. Sydney was at the store buying some food and other things. Cole and I haven't said a word to each other in awhile. I could see regret in his eyes. It's kind of hard to be mad at him cause he's my best friend and he did protect Sydney from Nate. Which reminds me, I gonna beat the shit out of Nate when I see him. I guess maybe I should talk to Cole, he already feels bad enough.

"Cole?" I said.

He looked in my direction.

"Look Kyle I am so sorry, I honestly didn't mean to punch your sister. I am so sorry dude. You have my permission to kick my ass." He said.

I chuckled at that last part.

"It's alright man. But I'm so worried about her. I think we should take her to the hospital, it's been an hour." I said. 

"Yeah I think so. I call Sydney to let her know so she can meet us." Cole said. 

"Okay well help me carry her to the car."

Cole quickly texted Syd and nodded. Cole picked Kylie up and carried her bridal style.

"I got her." Cole said. 

"Okay thanks." I said.

I ran downstairs to open the car door for Cole and to start the car. Cole came outside and placed Kylie gently in the back. Cole climbed in the back with her just to make sure nothing happened to her. I drove to the hospital and we were there within ten minutes. Cole once again carried Kylie bridal style into the emergency entrance. I walked up to the receptionist desk.

"Excuse me." I said. 

"How can I help you?" A lady with strawberry-blonde hair asked me. 

"My sister got punched hard in the stomach and she fell and hit her head and it's bleeding and she still hasn't woken up." I said. 

"Okay hold on, let me get a doctor." she said as she phoned someone.

I walked back over to Cole who was still holding Kylie in his arms. He was looking at her loving with tears in his eyes. I could tell that he wouldn't forgive himself until she was okay and woke up.

The doctor called us over.

"What's your sister's full name?" He asked. 

"Kylie Brookelynn Campbell." Cole answered before I could.

The doctor looked at me for conformation that Cole was right, I nodded.

"How old is she?" he asked. 

"Seventeen." I said. 

"Alright well follow me," he said,

I nodded and we followed him to a room and Cole laid her down gently on the bed. He kissed her forehead lightly before sitting next to me. A different doctor walked in the room.

"Hello. I'm doctor Messik and I'll be caring for your sister." he said. 

"I'm her brother Kyle, and this is our close friend, Cole." I said. 

"Nice to meet you both. We're going to have to run some tests on her and stitch her head." he said. 

"Okay." I said.

Two nurses came in and they wheeled her out of the room.

"We're going to give her an MRI and a catscan." He said. 

"Okay how long will that be?" I asked. 

"Probably a couple of hours." he said.

I nodded my head and watched him as he left.

Why did this have to happen to my sister, why not me?

*Thanks for reading, comment, vote, and become a fan. Thanks and read my other story too!*

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