I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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Hey guys, sorry this took so long to post. I've been really busy and I know that's not a good excuse. And also my cousin, who I haven't seen in a good five or six months, came to visit me for a week. I didn't really write when she was here because I haven't seen her in awhile but yeah sorry for the long wait. Also, the next chapter will be in Cole's point of view, I was going to this chapter but because of what happens I want his point of view to be in the next chapter. Please comment, vote, and become a fan!

I ran into the girls' bathroom and ran into Cassie, Sandy's wannabe. That's just great; I really don't need to deal with her crap right now. I splashed some cold water on my face.

"Here Kylie," Cassie said while she handed me a paper towel.

"Thanks Cassie," I said as I grabbed it from her.

I wiped my face and turned around to see Cassie standing there with a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything okay? Do you want to talk about it?" she asked me.

"I'll be fine," I said.

"You sure?" she asked me again.

"Yeah," I nodded.

And with that Cassie left the bathroom. Her sudden act of kindness didn't surprise me I mean Allie, Leah, Cassie, and I used to be best friends until seventh grade. Once we were half way through the year that's when Cassie started hanging around Sandy and Amanda. Cassie's the only nice one to me; well only when Sandy and Amanda aren't around.

I quickly fixed my hair and walked to my first period class which was algebra with Cole, fantastic. I was already about ten minutes late so I decided to take my good old time going to my locker and walking to that class.

I walked in about fifteen minutes late to class.

"It's nice of you to join us Kylie," Mr. Cleary said.

"Sorry I was uh in the bathroom because I didn't feel good," I lied.

"You have detention after school at 3:30 sharp, don't be late," he warned.

"But I have soccer practice after school today, I can't miss that!" I objected.

Cole started cracking up at this.

"No buts Kylie," Mr. Cleary said.

I took my usual seat in front of Cole and Josh.

"Do you think this is a laughing matter Cole?" Mr. Cleary asked.

"No," Cole said while not trying to laugh.

"Well, I saw you laughing earlier about this. Since this is so funny to you why don't you join Kylie for detention today afterschool as well," he said.

This time I started laughing, luckily he didn't hear me.

"But I have football practice today afterschool!" he whined.

"And Kylie has soccer practice which she won't be attending so you will have to miss your practice too. I will notify both coaches that you have detention

today," he said.

Cole and I just nodded our heads because we didn't want to get into any more trouble than we were already.

That class was finally over and walked out of that class as soon as possible.

"Kylie!" someone called.

I turned around and saw Cole running after me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Remember to bring your algebra stuff to lunch, I have to tutor you today," he reminded me.

"Ugh fine," I said as I walked to my locker.

The next three periods went by pretty quick and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I walked to lunch with Allie, Leah, and Jason. I took my seat between

Allie and Cole; I really hope that this isn't going to be my regular seat from now on.

"So Nate's party is tomorrow," Allie said excitedly.

"Yeah I know," I said while opening my Snapple.

"You going?" she asked me.

"Yeah I guess as long as Sydney wants to go. Which I'm sure she will since last time I checked she's in love with Cole," I said.

Allie laughed, "Oh please Kylie that was like ten years ago."

"Yeah you're right," I said as Cole took his seat next to me.

Allie just nodded in agreement and began eating her lunch.

"Did you bring your stuff?" Cole asked.

"Sadly yes," I said while eating my buffalo chicken wrap from Wawa.

"You know you can't wait to spend thirty minutes alone with me," he whispered into my ear.

"Actually, I'm dreading this," I said.

"I don't believe you," he said.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know, If I remember correctly you admitted to Allie that you were completely in love with me," he smirked.

Shit. I forgot about that.

I turned away from Cole and began talking to Leah and Allie the rest of lunch.

Every now and then Cole would poke me or nudge me and say that he was sorry and that he was kidding around. I really didn't feel like dealing with him

today, or ever actually.

Lunch went by fairly quickly and Leah, Allie, Jason, Dominic, Kyle, and the rest of the gang went outside by the tree for recess while I went to the library to meet Cole.

He was seated at a table in the back, far corner of the library. I walked over to the table and sat down without saying a word.

"Hey," he said.

I just waved at him.

"Come on Kylie. Talk to me please," he asked with a puppy dog face.

I shook my head no.

"You are so stubborn," he said as he opened up his book.

I just simply nodded my head in agreement.

The rest of our little study session went on like that. He gave me a few problems and would demonstrate how to do them and then I would complete the

problem. As much as I hate to admit it, Cole was a good teacher.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. When the final bell rang I had to go and find Kyle to tell him that Cole and I had detention together.

"Kyle!" I yelled.

He turned around and saw me. He gave Leah a quick kiss on the cheek and walked over to me.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"You don't need to drive Cole and I home because we both got detentions from Mr. Cleary," I told him.

Cole didn't look all that mad, just disappointed.

"What did you two do?" he asked.

"Well I was late and I got a detention and Cole thought that was funny and started laughing so he got one," I said.

Kyle just shook his head.

"I'll see you at home sis," Kyle said as he kissed the top of my head and walked away.

I started making my way to Mr. Cleary's room. Mr. Cleary was already in there we I walked in. Cole was also there too. He looked up, saw me, and smirked. This was going to be fun, not!

*Yeah this chapter was just like a filler chapter and it sucked but I wanted to get something out. Sorry about the long wait, the next chapter will be better! Remember to comment, vote, and become a fan! Thanks!*

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