I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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*Hey guys sorry I haven't updated; I was on vacation and I'm trying to finish my summer reading book. The updates will be a little slower until I get used to school starting and everything. Hope you understand. Vote, comment, and become a fan! Thanks*

I have decided to just have fun tonight and forget about Cole. It's not like he was with me or anything; he was off with my cousin. And tonight I could care less about Cole and Syd. They are free to do whatever they want cause honestly I don't care at all.

Dominic took my hand and dragged me out to the dance floor, which I didn't mind because dancing with him would keep me off of things.

"You look beautiful tonight Kylie." He said. 

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I said.

Dominic chuckled and we began to dance to I Like It and we were having a great time. Dominic was very sweet and nice, and not to mention a total hottie. His eyes were gorgeous blue-green color and you couldn't help but get lost in them. After dancing to a couple of songs we decided to take a break because we were both out of breathe.

"Want a drink?" He asked. 

"Yeah, thanks." I said. 

"No problem." He said as he handed me another beer.

Dominic grabbed my hand and brought me outback. He opened the sliding glass door and me being the klutz I am, tripped while walking outside. I was preparing myself for the cold, hard ground but it never came. I felt to strong, warm arms wrap around my waist before I hit the ground. I looked up to see Dominic, he looked as cute as ever.

"You're such a klutz you know." He chuckled. 

"I knowwwwwwwwwwww." I giggled. 

"How many beers have you had tonight?" He asked. 

"One." I lied. 

"Yeah right Kylie, you're drunk." He said. 

"Who careeeeesssss? Not meeeeeeeeeee!" I said. 

"Why don't we just sit down and talk?" He suggested. 


We talked for what seemed like hours and honestly I have no idea what we talked about. All I know is that I'm pretty sure that none of it made sense. I remember that one part of our conversation involved cheese and spiders but that's about it. Oh and I remember Dominic laughing a lot because I wasn't making any sense whatsoever.

About an hour later I still wasn't ready to leave but Dominic was. I told him to go home cause I could get Kyle or one of my friends to drive me home. After ten minutes of arguing he finally left but he kissed me before he left. It was short and sweet and I'm positive that I like him a lot.

I was just sitting with Allie and Jason when I heard people chanting 'Fight, fight, fight!'. I decided to go see what was going on. I walked over to the big crowd of people to see no other than Cole fighting Nate. Nate was the one who was throwing the party so I have no idea why Cole is fighting Nate. I scanned the crowd to try and find Syd. I found her crying and ran over to her.

"Syd what's wrong?" I asked. 

"Nateeeee tried tooo forcee me to do stuff that I didn't want to." She sobbed. 

"Oh my god Syd, I'm so sorry!" I said as I hugged her. 

"It's not your fault." She said as she cried. 

"Stay here. I need to stop them before someone gets hurt." I said as I ran over to the fight.

I pushed my way through the crowd until I reached Cole and Nate. They were both punching each other like crazy. Nate's nose was bleeding and Cole had a cut above his eye. I needed to stop this now.

"Cole, Nate, stop now!" I yelled at them. 

"Kylie stay out of it!" Cole yelled as he punched Nate right in the gut.  

"No stop it right now!" I yelled.

I stopped in between them to try to stop them. Just as I stepped in between them; Cole was getting ready to punch Nate. Instead of hitting Nate, he hit me right in the stomach. I fell to the ground with tears stinging my eyes. My head was pounding and hurt like hell. I felt the back of my head and looked at my hand and saw blood. That's the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

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