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Jaehyunss : Hey I just met you

Eunsseo : um yeah

Jaehyunss : And this is crazy

Eunsseo : if you mean you, then...

Jaehyunss : But here's my number

Eunsseo : I already have your number.

Jaehyunss : So call me maybe

Eunsseo : ahaha

Eunsseo : funny Jaehyun

Eunsseo : I love Carly Rae Jepsen though

Jaehyunss : that took you long enough

Eunsseo : why are you texting?

Eunsseo : I'm busy studying

Jaehyunss : you're always studying

Eunsseo : ik

Jaehyunss : Eunseo

Jaehyunss : are you at home?

Jaehyunss : I don't wanna be a bother

Jaehyunss : I mean we


Jaehyunss : hey

Jaehyunss : Eunseo?

Jaehyunss : You must be busy huh?

Jaehyunss : well sorry for intruding

Jaehyunss : :D


Tentastic : Eunseo

Tentastic : where r u?

Tentastic : are u at home?

Tentastic : or library?

Tentastic : hey

Tentastic : answer me

Tentastic : don't seen me

Tentastic : Whatever

Tentastic : We're going to Doyoung's place

Tentastic : u there?

Tentastic : dude

Tentastic : SonG EuNSeO


Eunseo munched on the snack she was holding in her right hand. She had a small note book in her left hand. Her knees bent. Her eyes going back and forth the TV and the note book. She was studying while watching a horror movie.


Not really horror but it could do. She wasn't the type to get scared easily and she loves horror.

Suddenly, she heard the door open. She knew it was Doyoung. She didn't even bother to move at all.

"Eunseo," she hummed as response.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Studying," she replied with a 'duh' tone.

"While watching a movie?" She hummed again, this time, turning her head towards him. Her mouth gaped open and her eyes blinked profusely.

She saw the ten friends in front of the door. Doyoung raising his eyebrow at her. She faked a cough and immediately stood up from the sofa.

She kinda felt embarrassed being there. It was practically her home but she still felt so small. She fixed her bangs and cleaned up the spot in a jiffy.

"Um, y-you can take a seat. I-I'll just, um, get you some drinks." She stuttered and smiled awkwardly at the boys. She held her things in her arms–two books, a calculator and the bag of snacks and headed straight to the kitchen.

She slapped herself and bit the insides of her lip. Her hands pulled the end of her ponytail and her mouth curses incoherently.

"I can't believe this!" She whined by herself. All of them are there! I'm so dead! AISH!


A few minutes later, she went to the living room with a jug of orange juice.

"Here," she placed the jug and cups on the table. Most of them smiled at her while Winwin poured himself a cup hurriedly.

"You didn't tell me you were home," Doyoung said to her. "Aunt is busy today and uncle has a dinner meeting. The Devil of Darkness is here to serve you food," she answered.

"I can cook," he replied. "I know that, I'm just a reassurance. Plus, I need to get back on my studies. So," she trailed off. She was about to stand up when Doyoung held her wrist.

"Eunseo!" Ten called out and patted the seat beside him. She eyed the spot between Ten and Taeyong. She looked at the spot then to Doyoung. He only shrugged at her.

"Well, once won't hurt." She walked over there but tripped over someone's foot.

"Oops," she felt warm hands holding her shoulder.

"I caught you, you're mine."

Eunseo was forced to sit beside Jaehyun the whole movie with Ten half mad half excited and Doyoung who doesn't even glance their way.


TEN'S DREAM IN A DREAM IS LITERALLY AESTHETIC. I'm obsessed with the song, the choreo, Ten himself, Yukhei and his voice!!!!

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