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o n e
" time for a break, huh? "

o n e" time for a break, huh? "

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"Are you sure about this, Si?" Adela questioned, praying with every fibre in her body that this was some joke and that he was going to pull her into his arms with a cheeky grin and glinting eyes.

But he didn't.

He just nodded his head and said, "Yeah, I mean... we've been together for a while now and I just feel like we need to take a break from each other and find out who we really are and if we're right for each other."

"Time for a break, huh?" Adela pressed her lips together as she folded her shirt in half. Simon responded with a hum. She exhaled through her nose and turned to face him. He was surprised there were no tears. When he'd first mentioned this idea to her, she'd laughed and then cried and then sobbed, but now her face was calm and still. "You're really set on this idea of discovery, aren't you?"

"This isn't me saying goodbye forever, Ads. This is just a case of 'see you in a week'," Simon told her, his mouth sliding up into a crooked smile.

The smile she loved.

Adela dropped the shirt into the suitcase and crossed the room towards him, putting her hands on his shoulders, standing between his legs from where he sat upon the bed they shared. One of her cold hands moved to his neck, holding him just beneath his ear.

"If this is because of something I've done, please tell me. I don't want to walk away from this with the idea that it's not the end, when really you've already decided it's the end." Her thumb smoothed across his face.

Simon pulled her onto his lap, an arm around her waist. He hated to see that look on her face, especially when he was the cause of it. Frowns just didn't look right on her.

"It's not anything you've done. You've been amazing, Ads, since the day I met you. This is just for the best."

"Please don't make me go."

"I'm not making you do anything. It's only temporary, I promise. I'll be back before you know it."

"But who's going to cook your food, make sure you're fed and make sure you're ok?" She pouted, her fingers splayed across his cheeks will the other hand lay upon his shoulder.

"I'll manage." He shrugged.

Why was he always so... indifferent? Adela pushed that thought to the back of her mind as she kissed his cheek, her lips smudging onto the corner of his mouth. She left a faint rosy stain, which she delighted in whipping off with her thumb.

Adela stood up. "I should get packing then, if you're really serious about this."

"Don't be like that," Simon said as he wrapped the tie around his neck.

"Be like what? Simon, I'm in love with you and you're basically telling me that's boring. That's not a slap in the face, that's a punch to the jaw." She didn't look at him. She busied herself with folding her clothes and dropping them into place in her floral suitcase.

"This isn't me telling you you're boring. This is me making sure that everything I have is what I want. Besides, I'm starting a new job today. Who knows what will happen there."

"So." Adela looked down at the dress in her hands, her fingers curling around its material. "What you're telling me is that this isn't a break. This is a break up. This is your selfish want for adventure ruining everything we have."

"No, no, no," Simon rushed to say, hurrying over to her and wrapping his arms around her from behind, but she slid away from his embrace. He hid the flicker of hurt in his eyes well. "This isn't a break up. This is just a break, Ads, relax."

"How can you be trying to tell me to relax when I know for a fact you're going to be seeing other girls, forgetting about me? You're unbelievable."

Simon let out a laugh, causing her to frown.

"I'm serious."

"You really think that I could ever forget about you?" He questioned with a smirk plastered across his face as he extended a hand to take hers. "You were my first proper girlfriend. I don't think I'll ever forget you."

"That's... reassuring, I suppose." She pressed her lips together as she met Simon's eyes. Then, her gaze fell to his tie that hung around his shoulders. "Do you want me to tie that for you?" She asked, squeezing his hand gently.

"Uh, yeah, thanks," He replied, slightly sheepishly, but gratefully.

Her fingers were nimble and swift as she tied it, keeping her eyes on it as they welled up. He could see the tears building, but it was only as she brushed her hands over his shoulders and held his upper arms that the first one ran down her cheek.

Simon slid his hands onto her waist. "Don't be sad," He murmured. "Please don't cry."

She let out a breathy chuckle, her head ducking down. "Gee, thanks, I'm cured." Her thumb drew lines on his arm as they stood in silence. "I'm going to miss you," She admit. "I'm going to miss you a lot."

"I'm going to miss you a lot, too." He kissed her forehead, the warmth spreading through her entire body. Her fingers tensed around his arms. "I have to go," He said against her loosely curled hair. "I'm going to be late."

"Ok," She replied, letting go. "I'll be gone by the time you come home."

"Thank you." He kissed her cheek quickly before pushing past her to the door of their bedroom. "Bye, Ads," He said without looking back.

"Bye, Simon."

If only he'd looked back.

If only she'd held on with all the determination in her heart.

If only, if only.


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