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" sixty-year-old virgin "

s i x t e e n" sixty-year-old virgin "-

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Despite his promises, Chris didn't call Louella the next day.

Throughout the remainder of their date she grew colder and colder. Smiling less, sitting to herself and responding with clipped answers. Gradually he grew tired of this and picked up on it as her annoyance more and more every time.

Frankly, he didn't understand it, but confronting her about her sudden change of heart seemed all too much after one date.

Seeing her again was definitely not on the cards.

Chris tried not to think about her as he kicked the ball back and forth between him and Harry, but he ended up wondering whether he should've given her more of a chance.

When the ball ended up going through his legs, Harry stopped short. Chris sighed and went after it, jogging back with it in his hands.

"Everything ok, mate?" Harry asked, frowning. He knew Chris and he knew when there was something wrong. He was usually incredibly focused, even when they were just messing around because any practice was good practice, in his eyes. Usually he made fun of this, but now that it was gone he was worried for his friend.

"Yeah, yeah," Chris dismissed, chucking the ball on the floor for it to roll to Harry's feet. "Let's go again."

"Maybe we should just call it a day and go get some lunch?" He tried.

"Maybe, but we're gonna have to go somewhere cheap because apparently I don't have enough money for anything good," He snapped. "Sorry, just got a lot on my mind."

"Clearly." He offered a somewhat comforting smile, which went appreciated, and kicked the ball to Chris. "Let's do just half an hour more and then go, ok?"


"And then you're going to explain to me why you're distracted today because you're never like this."

"Fine," Chris replied, focusing himself on the training exercise.



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