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" some bad organisation"

f o u r" some bad organisation"-

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Simon hadn't been nervous for his first day at work until he was in the reception introducing himself to the uninterested receptionist.

The receptionist looked him once over before he replied, "Yep, go right on up. Callum should be up there waiting for you." He didn't smile. He looked back down at his computer screen and carried on typing away, clearly not doing work.

Instead of making some sort of snide comment, Simon muttered a thank you before making his way into the lift.

When he'd told Adela about going for an interview, she'd been slightly confused but as supportive as ever as she smiled, kissed him quickly and told him good luck. And it was genuine. Of course it wouldn't have been anything different coming from her, but he could tell she was a little sad that he wouldn't be helping out at her mum's bookstore anymore.

He cut Adela from his mind. He couldn't think about her, not now, not when this was so important to him. If he went back to her, he'd be leeching from her his entire life. God, they'd even been discussing marriage before he'd broken things off with her. She'd gotten this whimsical, lovesick look in her eyes that he adored, but at the same time was so utterly terrified of.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept in a bed alone, without Adela, without someone there beside him.

As the metal doors opened, Simon stepped out and was instantly greeted by a man who was just as tall as him with dusty blond hair and his shirt partially untucked, but he was grinning and offering his hand for a shake before Simon could even process it.

Simon shook his hand. "I'm Callum, or Cal, and you must be Simon Minter," He said, shaking his head slightly as if in disbelief. "Right, let's show you around. Most of the people around here are a little boring," He said, turning on his heels and beginning to walk. Simon followed, keeping up with his pace as he strode through the office. "But, if you stick with me this job will be slightly less tedious."

"Alright," Simon replied, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Callum guided him into a smaller portion of the office where the desks were fewer and more spaced out. "Your desk is in here, in the far right corner," Cal told him, gesturing over to the far side. Then he pointed to the two desks nearest the door. "This is Josh and this is Catherine."

Josh looked up from the screen to offer a smile, but Catherine didn't so much as flinch at her mention.

"She's a little cold, but she'll warm up to you." Cal clicked his tongue before he began to walk again without any warning. Simon followed to where his desk was. "Right, get to work. I assume you know what you're doing, right?"

"Yeah, I'll be good," Simon said, pulling back the office chair and taking a seat.

"Great." Cal clapped his hands together. "See you a lunch, have a good day, mate."



"Simon, get your shit, it's lunchtime!" Cal called from his side of the office, spinning around on his chair with his legs out. Simon wasn't sure how much work the guy had managed to get done. He didn't think he'd seen him sat down for more than ten minutes straight, and only God knew where he kept disappearing to.

Simon leant back in the chair. "How long do we get for lunch?"

"An hour," Cal told him, but the smirk on his face didn't convince him. "But, a few minutes over won't matter too much. Besides, there's so many people in this office I doubt they can keep track of all of us, right?"

"Right," Simon murmured, rubbing a hand over his jaw. "I didn't actually bring any food with me."

Cal paused mid-spin and looked at him. "That is some bad organisation, but, lucky for you, there are plenty of places to get lunch from just outside the office." He all but jumped to his feet and tugged his suit-jacket on. "Well, come on then!"

"Give him a break, Cal, it's only his first day. Don't make him speed walk up the street for your selfish gains," Josh piped up from the other side of the room, grinning.

"Come on, Josh, those toasties are so worth the pace and you know it." Cal pointed a finger at him, laughing.

Simon stood, pulling his coat on.

"Speed up, slow poke!" Cal barked as he straightened his tie in the window reflection, then span on his heels and strode from their end of the office, pausing at Catherine's desk. He braced his hands on the end and leaned his head over the top of her monitor. "What about you, Cathy, want anything?"

"I already ate my lunch," She replied, looking at him with her luscious brown eyes. She leant her head on her hand as she looked right at him, her lips perfectly framed by a sugar sweet smile, and said, "But I wouldn't want a single thing from you anyway, Callum."

His smile didn't even wobble. "Alright, suit yourself."

"That's what I've been doing for the year I've been working here and that's what I'll continue to do." Her eyes flicked to Simon. "Don't let him turn you into his replica because he'll sure as hell try it."

"I'll keep that in mind," Simon replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Whatever," Cal said with a groan. "I'm hungry, let's go, newbie!"



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