374 18 14

t h i r t y
" do you kiss every
nice guy like that? "

t h i r t y" do you kiss every nice guy like that? "-

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Adela felt oddly satisfied waking up next to Lewis, not that they'd done anything beyond kiss a few times.

After the wine and long night, most of what Adela wanted to do was sleep. She'd tried to stay awake for him, but he told her to get some rest and that he'd still be there in the morning. At that, she'd given him that smile he liked, her face glowing in the moonlight, and let her eyes shut as he pulled her close.

For the longest time, she couldn't sleep. Ignoring his presence was seemingly impossible, but she eventually fell into a deep sleep that carried through until the morning sun rose from its own slumber to highlight the winter streets of London. Ran around every corner, bouncing off every window and into the world because the world is its oyster and no one could take that away.

Lewis was still sleeping when Adela woke up. For a moment, she looked at him in wonder of how she'd gone from completely and utterly heartbroken to sleeping in the same bed as a very nice looking dog-walker and company co-owner.

The instance was shattered as her phone began to ring. Not wanting him to be woken unnecessarily, Adela quickly got out of the bed and answered the call, knowing it would be Alice without even needing to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" She said groggily into the phone as she rubbed a sleep from her eye, walking into the small kitchen.

"Mornin' sunshine!" Alice replied with pep in her voice. Clearly, being away with Harry seemed to have lifted her spirits. Adela didn't like to think about why that could be at all. "So, what happened after I left, then?"

"Not a lot," Adela said, slipping onto one of the stools at the breakfast bar. "We left not that long after you did."

"We?" Adela could imagine the eyebrow raise and the thought made her laugh to herself ever so softly.

"Yeah, Lewis and I left together." Even saying it aloud didn't make it feel like any less of an illusion, a dream.

"And?" Alice craved gossip like a child craved sweets. "Did you make use of the mistletoe I stuck up on your door?"

"It would've been rude not to," Adela joked, her mouth hurting from the severity of her smile. "Besides, he's a nice guy."

"And he's good for you. Much better than... never mind, we don't talk about him anymore," Alice said, clearing her throat. "Right, I've gotta go, but I'll talk to you later maybe? Call me if you end up getting it on with Lewis because, well, you know... Okay, bye!"

And with that, she hung up.

"A nice guy, huh?" Lewis smirked from the doorway, leaning against the frame, dressed in some of Simon's old clothes he'd never come back for and Adela had never had the heart to throw out.

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