Amnesia (a Luke Hemmings fanfic)

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You know that feeling between sleep and awake? It's as if you're floating on a cloud, oblivious to your surroundings, but then the cruel reality yanks you out of that state of peace and forces you to be aware of the actual situation. Sometimes I think that dreamland is more fascinating than my reality. You can do what you want and say what you want to say without being judged about your thoughts and emotions. Anything is possible in dreams; If only reality was that simple.

My name is Elianna Davenport, and I am 17 years young. Last year, I was admitted into rehab because I was depressed. I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and bullimia nervosa when I was 15, and my parents forced me into rehab at age 16. They let me out of that hell hole about a month ago, and my life has completely changed. Everyone at my school looks at me as "that anorexic chick", or "the girl with the scars", and I want nothing more than to just find someone who can understand me.

No one really likes me. They all think I'm an attention seeking whore, but it's not my fault that I went to rehab in the first place. When will they get it through their thick skulls that depression is a disease not a phase? I was bullied a lot through middle school and high school because everyone thought I was stupid. I hate them all.

Last week, I got a job at my local music store, The Jukebox, and I'm starting to appreciate my life again. I stack the CD's and on good days, my boss, Joey, lets me work the cash register. We get about 50 customers a day, so it's not much to deal with, I guess.

I wish my reality wasn't so plain. There's so much I want to do, but I am fighting a war with myself that I can't win. At this point in time, nothing seems possible anymore.


Hey guys! Sorry if this sucked, but I PROMISE that the actual chapters will be a lot longer than this. For now, I am leaving you with this prolouge until I can find the time to write the first chapter. Thank you so much for reading this!


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