Headcanon 3

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"I can't believe I got stuck with showing you around." Percy grumbled as he dragged the newly edition to Camp Half-blood along. "I know! It's awesome! I can't believe I'm getting toured around by the Percy Jackson!" The happy boy exclaimed. Just then Annabeth came trotting up to them. "Hey, Percy. This the new camper?" She asked. "Unfortunately he-" Percy was cut of by the boy. "Hi! I'm Perry Johnson!" He exclaimed. Percy just merely sighed and face palmed. Annabeth snickered. "Perry Johnson? You're name is Perry Johnson?" She asked. "Yeah!" "Don't say a word." Percy grumbled. Instead of a smart comment Percy thought he was going to get from the daughter of Athena, she simply just started laughing. Laughing to the point where she had to clutch her stomach just to keep from falling over. Just then Piper came up with Jason and Leo. "Hey what's so funny bro?" Jason asked. "Hi! I'm Perry Johnson!" Perry said, smiling brightly to the point where it almost blinded them. Jason, Piper, and Leo all looked at each other before joining Annabeth laughing. "Oh, yeah, sure go ahead and make fun of me all you want." Perry muttered. "Oh, bro." Jason said, wiping the tears from his eyes and putting a hand on his shoulder. "We're not making fun of you. We're just simply explaining on how funny this coincidence is." Jason managed to get out before bursting into a fit of laughter again. Leo almost burst into flames a few times by accident. "Perry Johnson!" Mr. D yelled. Percy and Perry both turned at Mr. D and said, "Yes?" Percy then realizing what happened buried his face in his hands and mumbled, "Oh, this is going to be just peachy."  

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