Headcanon 11

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Will stood in the back of the room, leaning on the wall. Leo was currently squatting on a table, staring at Nico. Nico was standing at the end of the table. So what's so great about this guy anyway?, Leo thought. Just then Percy came into the room.

"La, de, da, excuse me, coming through." He said. Percy then tripped and grabbed onto the table for support. But by doing that he accidentally knocked Leo off balance. Nico, Leo, Will, and Percy all knew what was coming next. All Nico and Leo had time to do was open their eyes as wide as possible.

Percy covered his mouth with his hand and gasped. Will was cringing. Leo and Nico's lips connected. Just then Hazel, Annabeth, and Jason walked in, "Hey, have you seen-" Hazel started but stopped at gasped at the situation in front of them.

Nico finally, grabbing ahold of the situation pushed Leo off of him and shadow-traveled away. "What the hell happened?!" Hazel screamed. However, Will was unable to answer that question because all he was able to do was cringe and stare into outer space. Percy turned bright red.

"I accidentally may have pushed Leo into Nico." "Seaweed brain!" Annabeth complained, slapping him upside the head. Jason was completely shocked. "Noo!! Solangelo is OTP! No!!" Leo got up and ran out of the room. Will was still cringing. "Oh, this is going to be a wild mess. Thanks Percy." Hazel said, putting her head into her hands.

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