Headcanon 7

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I walked up to the stereo and put a CD in. Before I pressed play I turned around to Nico. Nico was sitting on his bed. "Hey, Nico." I said. Nico put a bookmark in his book and looked up, "Yes, Hazel?" He asked. "What's Solace's favorite drug?" Nico groaned, but he knew he wasn't going to get out if this joke so he said,"What?"

"Nicotine!" I said. Nico groaned and laid down. I turned and pushed play on the stereo. Once the song started to play, Nico let out a small laugh and said, "Really, Hazel?" "Yep! Come on, dance party!" I said quickly. They started singing and I began singing and dancing along.

"Cross my heart and hope to die, burn my lungs and curse my eyes, I've lost control and I don't want it back, I'm going numb, I've been hijacked, It's a fucking drag, I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you."

I run up to my bed and jumped on it. I sang super loud and started dancing even more.

"So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, yeah, It's better to burn than to fade away, It's better to leave than to be replaced."

I jumped off the bed and pulled Nico up off the bed and started dancing. He rolled his eyes but started singing and dancing as well.

"I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match, I'm going numb, I've been hijacked, It's a fucking drag."

We jumped on our bed and started dancing crazily.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you
So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do."

I jumped off the bed and did a guitar solo.

"You're worse than nicotine, nicotine, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, yeah, just one more hit and then we're through."

I went back on the bed.

"'Cause you could never love me back, cut every tie I have to you, 'cause your love's a fucking drag, but I need it so bad, your love's a fucking drag, but I need it so bad, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, yeah."

The song ended and Nico and I flopped down on our beds. Then we heard clapping. We shot up. Will and Frank were currently standing in our doorway. "I loved your guitar solo, Hazel." Frank said.

"Didn't know you could dance like that, death boy." Solace said. Nico and I threw a pillow at them, "Get out!" We shouted in unison. They ran out of the cabin. "It's time for capture the flag though!" Will said from outside the cabin.

"We'll be there in a sec!" I said. I looked at Nico. His face was bright red from blushing so hard and embarrassment. My face was probably the same. Then I giggled. "Come on, let's go!" I said, taking his hand and dragging him outside.

Short but who cares

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