Another thing I got tagged in

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Okay, I got tagged in another thing by Sun_Angel111 so here it goes

1. (Weird fact about me) I like to shout things I see on t.v. at random like one time I shouted 'Groupon'
2. (Favorite food) Pizza
3. (First Fandom) Percy Jackson, definitely.
4. (Best Friends) Autumn and Allison
5. (Current lock screen) Don't judge

 (Current lock screen) Don't judge

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6. (Favorite top) Ahh! Solangelo for PJO and Destiel for Supernatural(I'm watching the 200th episode fan Fiction now)
7. (Birthday) April 12
8. (Five fears) 1.) People 2.) Parties 3.) Socialization 4.) The dark(Don't judge) 5.) Falling from high places
9. (What I look like) Dark brown wavy hair, dark brown eyes, glasses, and I always have a bracelet or 2 or 3 on.
10. (Favorite song) Ahh! When the day met the night by Panic! At the disco
11. (Reason I made my account) Uh, because I love writing and I love sharing it with people although I sometimes have writer block
Alright that's it, I'm not going to tag anyone but feel free to do it if you'd like

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