Headcanon 9

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3rd person POV

Nico was sick and tired of it. So when Nico and Will were walking through camp when Nico spotted Leo making corny ass jokes, Nico couldn't help himself. "I can't take this anymore." Nico mumbled more to himself than Will. "What?" Will asked. 

Nico made his way towards Leo with Will on his tail. "Nico?" Will asked. "Hey, Nico what-" Leo got cut off by Nico grabbing his shoulders and pulling him face-to-face. "What'd ya doing Nico?" Leo asked, his face becoming red. "Something I should've done a long time ago." Nico said. 

Will opened his mouth as to what he thought Nico was about to do. Just then Nico pulled his head back and head-butted Leo as hard as he could. "Was not expecting that." Leo grumbled, as he fell to the ground holding his head. 

Will took a minute to realize that Nico wasn't going to kiss Leo, then burst out laughing, clutching his stomach, falling to the ground in a fit of laughter. "Yeah, yeah, it was hilarious." Nico grumbled. Will tried to catch his breath and stop laughing but he just couldn't. 

A few minutes later Will stopped laughing enough to say, "I thought....I thought you were-" Then Will burst into a fit of laughter again. "Oh, get over here you big doof." Nico said, pulling Will in for a kiss. 

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