Headcanon 16

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Crack! Nico jumped up and raised his Stygian Iron sword. He spun around searching for the thing that had made the noise. No luck. He slowly moved down the path he was on, looking in all directions. Still nothing. He moved down the path until he came to a passage that went 3 ways.

He decided to rest, while deciding which one to go in. That's when he heard the voices. He quickly hid behind a rock, so that whatever was coming couldn't see him, but he could see them. He noticed the Minotaur and a God come around the corner. The God was talking and the Minotaur was huffing.

They went down the 2 passageway. Nico waited a minute or 2 and then went into the same tunnel. About an hour later, he heard something behind him. He turned around and raised his sword. That's when all of a sudden, he was lifted off the ground and put in a box of some sort.

No, wait, it wasn't a box. It was a jar. A cover was placed over it with tiny holes. He surely suffocate. All he heard was, "Haha! I caught you. You'll be coming back with us. I'm sure you'll very much enjoy this. That is before you die! Just like your sister." Then he heard laughing, and movement.Nico fell to his knees, sobbing. He was alone. He was alone and no one could save him.

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