Headcanon 4

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"JASON GRACE HOW DARE YOU!?" Percy yelled from the Poseidon cabin. They campers were all gathering around for dinner. Everyone looked at Percy, Annabeth and Jason. Annabeth was shaking her head, Percy looked extremely mad, and Jason had a horrified look on his face. "Uh, if you don't wanna be on my team for capture the flag, then you just had to say so." "YOU THINK THIS IS ABOUT CAPTURE THE FLAG!?" Percy yelled standing up. A couple snickers and laughs. "Um, yeah?" "NO IT IS NOT, JASON GRACE, YOU'RE EATING FISH!" Jason looked confused more than ever. "Um, yeah I am." More campers started laughing and snickering, they tried to keep it as quiet as possible but that wasn't working. "NO, YOU'RE EATING FISH, IN FRONT OF A POSEIDON KID AT HIS TABLE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS? IT'S RUDE, TO ME AND MY FATHER! FISH ARE OUR FRIENDS NOT FOOD! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!" Percy screamed. "Perce, are you, are you crying?" Jason asked. Yeah, silence was no more. All of the campers burst out laughing their head off. Percy glared daggers at Jason. "NO!" He yelled. Then Percy marched up to the other campers. "YOU KNOW NEXT TIME YOU CAN TRY AND BE SUPPORTIVE, INSTEAD OF LAUGHING!" He yelled and stormed his way to his cabin. Annabeth followed, still shaking her head and trying to hold in a laugh.

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