Headcanon 12

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Nico laid down on his bed. He knew he had a crush on Solace. He'd known this for awhile, he just didn't know if Will liked him back. Heck, he didn't even know if he was gay! Nico sighed and closed his eyes. Just when he was about to fall asleep, someone knocked on his cabin door.

"Come in!" Nico shouted. The door opened and Nico opened an eye. At first he saw blond hair and hoped it was Will(A/n: Yes, stolen from Blood of Olympus) but it was just Jason. "Hey, Nico." Jason said. Nico closed his eye. "Hey, Jason." "Well, I just wanted to let you know that Piper and me are leaving later today to go to Camp Jupiter. I gotta finish some statues." Jason said.

Nico opened both eyes and sat up. "Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you later?" Nico asked. Jason smiled. "See ya later. And do me a favor while I'm gone?" Jason asked. "Anything." "Tell Solace you like him. See ya!" And Jason then ran out the door before Nico could say anything. Nico laid back down and closed his eyes. "Not gonna happen." Nico mumbled. "What's not gonna happen?" Said a voice.

Nico shot up and looked at the person who came in his cabin without him even noticing. "Solace? What are you doing here?" Nico said. "What? I can't come visit a friend?" Will asked, giving one of his famous son of Apollo grins. Nico laid back down, closing his eyes for the third time. "Not while I'm trying to sleep." Will rolled his eyes. "Oh, please death boy, get up. I wanna show you something." Nico didn't move.

"Okay, then. You leave me no choice." Will said. Will walked up to Nico and started tickling him. Nico opened his eyes and tried to stop him. "Ha, Solace, stop! Get off of me!" Nico said, laughing. "Not until you agree to come with me!" "Okay, okay, I agree! I'll go with you!" Nico said. Will stopped tickling him. "Good, now let's go!" Will said, grabbing Nico's hand and pulling him out of the Hades cabin.

Nico tried to hide the blush creeping up his face, but he didn't think he was doing a very good job of it. Will dragged him through the forest and to a part of the lake Nico hadn't seen before. "This is a hidden part of the lake. Nobody ever comes here." Will explained. "Come on, sit down." Will and Nico sat down in the sand and watched the sun set. "I come here almost every day. To clear my head." Will said.

Nico nodded. "So that's where you disappear to." Nico joked. Will smiled and looked at him. "Did the Nico Di Angelo just make a joke?" Will asked, shocked. Nico rolled his eyes and shoved him. Will laughed. Gosh, he has a beautiful laugh., Nico thought. They stayed silent after the sun set, just staring at the stars. After 5 minutes, Will laid down and Nico laid down too. Should I tell him?, Nico thought, Should I really tell him?

"Hey Nico?" Will said softly. "Yeah?" "I have something to tell you." Will said, turning on his side to face Nico. "I have something to tell you to." Nico said. Oh my gods, I'm gonna tell him., Nico thought. "You go first." Will said. "No, you brought it up, you go first." Nico said. "Nico." Will said. "You go first." Nico looked into Will's eyes. "Don't judge me after me after I say this. " Nico pled. "Nico, I'll never judge you." Will said softly.

Nico gathered up what courage he had a blurted out the words, "Ti voglio bene, ma non so che sei gay per favore non mi odiano(I love you but I don't know if you're gay, please don't hate me)." Will looked confused. Oh, great, me speaking Italian means I'm nervous. Well, then again, who wouldn't be nervous telling their crush they like him. "Nico, I don't speak Italian." Nico took a death breath, "IloveyoubutIdon'tknowifyou'regaypleasedon'thateme."

Will looked even more confused. "Nico, you're saying that to fast, I don't know what you're saying." Without thinking Nico leaned forward and put his lips on Will's. It was perfect for a few seconds before Nico realized. He was kissing Will Solace! Nico pulled back a blush spreading like wildfire over his face. Nico was so caught up thinking that he just kissed Will, he didn't notice Will blushing like madness and smiling.

"Oh my Gods I'm so sorry!" Nico said. "Nico." "I can't believe I just did that!" "Nic-" "I don't even know why I-" Nico was cut off by a pair of soft lips. Nico immediately kissed back, like an old habit. Just when Nico was about to faint from lack of air, Will pulled back. "I love you, death boy." "I love you too, sunshine."

A few months later....

No one was ready. No one was prepared. When the monsters attacked camp, nobody had suspected it. The monsters were angry at Gaea's defeat, so they attacked. Nico and Will grabbed their weapons and started hacking. Somewhere in between Nico and Will got separated.

A few hours later, Nico looked around. There was still fighting but not as much. That's when he felt it. He looked to his right. There lied Annabeth's limpless body in Percy's arms. Percy was crying and begging her to come back. He looked to his left.

Piper was kneeling over Jason's body, sobbing. Then Nico felt another person's life force waver. Someone he knew. Someone he knew all too well. Will. Nico ran to the forest, in a clearing he found Will laying on the ground. Not dead, but almost.

A monster was leaning above him. "No!" Nico shouted, he killed the monster and knelled down by Will. He had a deep cut across his stomach. "No." Nico sobbed. "It's okay, Neeks." Nico shook his head, "No." He sobbed again. Will coughed.

Just then a monster snuck up behind Nico. Will weakly pointed to the monster, as he didn't have enough energy to talk. Nico got the message and spun around, killing the monster but not before the monster could stab Nico in his shoulder, right above his heart.

Nico fell to the ground. As they laid beside each other, gasping for breaths, they intertwined their hands. One silent message. One last time. One last I love you.

P.s. You are welcome

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