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i wrote this 2-3 years ago so if things seem not up to date it's because it's not lol, and i'm not going back to re-edit it because i wanna appreciate what i wrote at the time :)

i also haven't read the book in maybe like 2 years so...there's that

please don't hate

Tuesday May 15 8:00 am

I walk into school with the same attitude I have everyday going into this dump we call school. Fuck everyone. With music blasting through my headphones and the smell of teenage hormones I think I'll get through school just fine.

And before you all assume and think I have no friends and that i'm some anti social freak, you're wrong I have some friends and many connections through people. Aside from that I have 3 main friends I consider my brothers.

Michael, swears like a trucker( but so do I), has the best hair, and is precious as a little baby kitten. Calum, nice tattoos, good jawline, sweeter than most kiwis. Ashton, mom of the group, huge biceps, has the laugh of a 4 year old.

Then I have my close friend, Rory. She can get on my nerves but is my only best friend that is a girl so that's good for sleepovers and talking about guys.

I walk to my first period and sit in the class before the period starts. It's always nice to be alone before you get put on a class with a bunch of fucking morons. The bell rings and I feel a tap on my foot. I unplug one of my headphones.

"No feet on the desk!" The teacher scowled. I get off from sitting on the desk to sit in my desk. In the very back with Calum and Michael.

"How's your morning Lina?" Michael asked. Setting down his bags and taking the seat in front of me. Calum took the seat to my left.

"Same as always but a little happy. So no one mess it up." I say pointing my finger at Michael and Calum. They put up their hands up in defense.

"This is coming from a girl who is bipolar." Calum teased I'm not bipolar but I sure do act like it. I put up my fist but then release it back down once the teacher starts doing the lesson. Class was boring as always could this class go by any faster? And that answer is no.

The bell rings and I walk to the next class, p.e with Ashton and Calum. Once I finish changing I walk into the gym to greet my friends. "I hate p.e class." I say folding my arms over my chest. It was true I hated p.e class what's the point of seeing teens run around showing the absolute most skin. On the other hand I wore shorts, a oversized shirt and high top converse.

And the biggest mistake people have with me and p.e is that just because I'm thin doesn't mean I'm athletic.

"You need to be optimistic." Ashton says nudging my arm lightly chuckling.

"Coming from the one who is all muscle." I point out.

"Hey what about me." Calum says sticking out his bottom lip.

Before I could answer the coach comes out of the locker room ordering us to start on the daily warm up. Which concluded of 20 push-ups, 10 burpees, and two laps around the track.

••• Tuesday 11:45 am

"Calum why I do suck at volleyball." I whine examining my red arms from p.e class.

"I don't know I thought it was girls who were the best at volleyball." He said taking a bite of food from his lunch tray.

"That's a false statement because I suck ass." I look up from the table and see Rory walking over with her usual chirpy self. Her style is much more pastel and bright than my dark tone fashion sense. People are even surprised we're friends sometimes.

"Lina we should hangout after school. Mall maybe?" Rory asks sitting down in the seat next to me. I weigh my options hangout with Rory or stay home with my high on life mom. Option A seems nice.

"Sure I'll meet you by your car after school." I get up to go to the bathroom. "Anyone want me to take your lunch trays?" I offer.

Calum, Ashton, Rory and Michael give me their trays. I walk to the trash but look at all the different groups we have at school. There's the usual preppy crowd that has no good music taste, the jocks who don't know their left from their right. The smart kids who won't talk to anyone who doesn't have a 4.0 or higher, the kawaii/anime crowd who is obsessed with shipping and then the casual floaters who go from group to group.

I throw away the food then head to the bathroom, hopefully I don't look like a total mess from p.e.

••• Tuesday 4:19

"No way this shirt is so cute." Rory says showing me the mustard color oversized shirt she found at some new store.

"Yellow is not my color." I say browsing through a rack of all black shirts. Yellow is such a simple color but black, black is poetic. Why do you think all poets have a black wardrobe.

We leave the mall with shopping bags in our hands and empty wallets.

Rory drops me off at home and I slowly walk in greeted by the smell of the Mary Jane and my high mom on the couch.

"Catalina what are you doing home so early from school." She says exhaling.

"It's 7:13." I say rolling my eyes walking upstairs. It annoys me how disoriented she can get sometimes. I walk into my room and open up the windows, the smell gets to you. I hang up the clothes I bought in my closet and see what I could wear to school tomorrow.

I go to my window and step out onto the roof trying my best not to fall off. I look out into the city I hear cop cars, dogs barking, and people talking. I live on the outskirts of town but that's where I like it best not in the middle of the city where all you hear is what people want you to hear. They want you to see the best side of them, the perfect side of them. The outskirts you see the real truth and hear the real truth.

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