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Tuesday May 22 1:45 pm

Today Lina stayed home from school due to lack of sleep and exhaustion. Ashton said it was for the best when she's tired she turns into a "dragon" who is on steroids.

Today during school was fun though the classes seemed to be by going fast and the teachers weren't as strict since we only have a couple more weeks till school is out for summer break. In p.e today we're switching from volleyball to flag football which I'm not so excited for. I'm not very good and due to my extremely long legs I always trip over them.

After school I went directly home, my mom was sitting on the couch watching the news and scrolling on her phone.

"How was school today?" She asks still scrolling on her phone.

I open up the fridge grabbing out last nights pizza. "Same as usual."

"I don't get why you chose that icky school, the kids there are going to go no where in life. Their all just a bunch of dead beats, them and their parents."

"It's for the project thing and It's not all bad it's actually really fun." I shrug.

"Oh god don't tell me you've found some friends. Are you talking to a girl? Luke you have a girlfriend." She stands up and cups her hands on my cheeks. "And you two are wonderful for each other.

I let go from her grip and head towards my room. I enter my fairly large room. The walls were a dark blue color and there were band posters scattered everywhere and a small portion was of my friends and I. My bed was up against the left side of the wall and my desk was on the right side along with my guitar, closet and drawers.

I walk over to my guitar and play a few chords. "It's not a secret that i'm just a reject." I quietly hum to myself. I play a few more chords and sing random lyrics that pop into my head. "They can't save me I'm too far gone." No that sounds dumb. "Don't try and save me I'm on my own?"

I stop trying and give up I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling. Still humming the tune. I hear a knock on my door and my dad walks in. "Luke your mom and I will be leaving for a business conference Thursday, we should be back Monday or so depending on it going well."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He says laughing exiting my room.

"That's it!" I yell to myself. I go over to my guitar and note pad and start writing down lyrics.

••• Friday May 28 5:12 pm
Lina's POV

We were currently at Michael's house just finishing packing and putting out our stuff for tomorrow morning. We planned on leaving at four am but who knows if we will actually wake up that early.

We were all sitting on his couch downstairs in his room. "Anyone got any good games we could play?" Calum suggest.

"Never have I ever." Michael says. I roll my eyes.

"What are you fourteen?"

"Hey it's just a suggestion calm down." He said all of us quiet. No one said anything and it was getting awkward.

"I'll play never have I ever." Ashton says.

"Sure I'll play too." Calum and Luke say. Looks like we're playing never have I ever.

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