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Monday 3:15 pm

I feel a vibration on my jean pocket waking me up from my nap. I currently had my head on Luke's chest with both of my hands resting also on his chest. His arms we wrapped around me, his head resting on top of mine. His body heat was radiating making me feel warm as well.

My legs were intertwined with his as we cuddled on his bed. His shirt smelled like mint mixed with cologne and he was fast asleep. I look at the clock in his room and notice that it's already a little passed three o'clock. Damn I've been asleep for two hours.

I turn over with my back to Luke and he instantly wraps his arms around my waist holding my closer. He rests his head on my shoulder. My heart melts a little inside, he's so cute.

I open my phone and text Calum that i'm still at Luke's just so he doesn't come over when i'm not home.

I turned to face him with his arms still wrapped around me. "Luke I don't know what you're doing to me but I think  i've fallen for you."

I place a kiss on his lips and he grins opening up his eyes. "Well hello there." Luke says.

"Did you hear me?" I ask.

"Yes," I start to blush. "But don't worry I love you too."

As soon as he said love I start to tense up a bit and shift my gaze away. It's been a while since someone's said they love you to me. That word just brings back old memories and lies, something I wanted to keep buried away. I don't know how to respond.

"You don't have to say it back yet, take your time." He says comforting me, I look back at him and he kisses me smiling his cold lip ring meeting with my warm lips.

"This is why I like you so much." I compliment. "You're not a jackass and are kind and considerate."

My stomach growls and it's pretty loud.

"Are hungry?" Luke asks.

"A little, when lunch came around I kind of lost my appetite." I joke kind of laughing but it came out more of an awkward laugh.

"Why don't we go cook up some late lunches." He suggests.

"Sure why not, I could eat."

"Before we do anything let me call my parents for a sec." I nod and he gets up from the bed exiting his room into the hallway. I get up as well and sit on the edge of the bed.

He returns back in giving me a thumbs up. "We have the house for another three hours."

We walk downstairs and go towards his kitchen, looking through his fridge and pantry finding out what to eat.

"Pancakes?" Luke questions holding up a box of mix facing me.

I nod my head vigorously. "Yes."

Luke laughs and gets out the pots and pans while I get the ingredients out. I look in his pantry and find the chocolate chips. Perfect. Luke sprays the pan and I finish mixing the ingredients together.

"Someone's messy." Luke jokes looking at the small mess of flour near me.

"Flour should come with a warning label because this shit gets everywhere." I laugh.

"Ok now don't mess me up because i'm pouring the first one." He says.

"I would never." I laugh as a watch him make 4 circular pancakes. "Good job Hemmings." I say sarcastically.

"Hey making good pancakes are hard."

Fast forward ten minutes and the pancakes are done we are currently decorating them.

Heartless l.hजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें