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"Oh that's cool." I say trying to hide the sudden nerves.

If the kids from Saint Ridge see me they might tell Stacy who I'm with and my parents. I'll be dead.

"You don't seem happy?" She asks.

"The people there aren't really my favorite." I respond which was true.

I see them walk over to the beach trying to find a spot to set there stuff. Luckily it's not by us but they see me. Fuck.

"Luke is that you?" Carter yells walking over.

I quickly get up walking over. "'Sup Carter."

"I haven't seen you in forever, how's the temporary transfer been?" Carter asks.

Carter was in the school for his amazing piano a abilities. He was a god and self thought himself, but on his spare time he likes to surf.

"Good, are you excited for summer?"

"Hell yeah the weathers looking nice to surf this season," He looks over my shoulder and sees Lina laying down in the distance. "Who'd you come with?"

Shit, who did I come with. Think think. "My cousin."

"That's your cousin?" He questions and I nod. "Well she's hot, mind if I say hi?"


"Luke who's this?" Lina asks from behind me scaring me.

I turn around placing my hands on her shoulders taking her away. "Lina this is-"

"I'm Carter." He says over my shoulder.

"Lina." She introduces herself. "You must go to Saint Ridge." She says noticing his shirt.

Carter looks down glancing at it. "Yeah I guess I do. What school do you go to?"

"Hillsdale High." Lina responds.

"Luke you never told me your cousin-"

"She's new." I say grabbing her arm taking her away back to our towels.

She has a confused look on her face. "Why did he say cousin?"

"He must have thought you looked like my cousin Andrea. He's not the best with remembering." I say.

She gives me an eyeing look. "Why did you pull me out of there." She says glancing at Carter who was still waiting back at his spot.

"Because he thinks you're hot and I got jealous." I explain. She reaches over to grab my hand but I pull away. "Him and Andrea use to have a thing."
I quickly say.

"Well I'm not Andrea and I'm certainly not your cousin." She says.

Calum, Ashton, and Michael walk over from swimming.

"Who's the kid over there staring?" Michael asks looking over at Carter I look over to and Carter waves at me but I pretend not to see it.

"I don't know-" I start to say.

"Luke's friend from his old school." Lina speaks up.

Carter looks over at his group of friends. "Guys Luke is here, let's say hi." He yells.

Fuck me.

Michael, Calum, and Ashton walk over towards Carter and his group. I start to walk over but Lina touches my arm.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Lina asks.

I don't answer and turn back walking over to the group.

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