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Friday June 1 11:40 am
Lina's POV

Since of the incident yesterday, I have to eat lunch by myself until Wednesday. One of the offices staff called me a little before class ended and escorted me to get my lunch.

"I need to get my lunch from my car so you can escort yourself to your eating location Flores." She says leaving me in the lunch room. I start to walk to the room and the bell rings for lunch to begin. I get to the outside of the door until I see the guys walking towards me.

"Aww look at you." Calum teases. "Troublemaker Lina bean."

I glare at Calum. "Don't fucking start."

"Even though I don't condone violence, Lina what you did was pretty badass." Ashton says congratulating me.

"Thanks guys."

"Lina have you seen twitter, the video is all over it." Michael says showing me his phone scrolling through his feed. Damn I look good fighting.

I take his phone tilting my head to the side. "Michael why do you keep tweeting at Halsey."

"Because one day she might tweet me back, we're meant to be together." He says defensively taking back his phone. I roll my eyes. 

"Too bad for you Luke you missed it all." Calum says looking over at Luke.

"Lowkey hating myself for being sick on probably one of the best days of the year." Luke says.

"Suck for you I guess-"

"Flores this isn't social hour, go inside and eat your food." I turn my head in the direction of the principles voice.

I turn back around and let out an irritated sigh. "Bye boys." I say before waving off going inside the room.

I was counting down the minutes till lunch was over it seemed to take forever, good thing I had my phone on me. Once lunch was over I went to my fourth period class history class with Rory and Luke. Rory and I shared a table and Luke got assigned a seat with a boy named Ryan.

"We were laying on his bed and he randomly asks me if I wanna go on a date and then he asks me if I wanted to be his girlfriend." I whisper to Rory occasionally glancing at the movie we were watching taking down notes.

"Oh my god what did you say." She says loudly looking over at Luke, and I shh her.

"Don't make it obvious, anyways I said yes to the date but I said I'll think about being his girlfriend."

"What, why. Don't you guys like each other?" She questioned.

"Yeah but things are complicated I haven't been on a date since my last." I admitted.

"Do you know what you're wearing?" I shake my head. "Oh my god I have to get you dressed up," I roll my eyes. "Lina no this is a good thing, ah I'm so excited I'm coming over tomorrow night." She squeals.

We get back to watching the movie until Rory nudges my arm. "Luke keeps looking over at you." She whispers.

I look over and he is in fact staring. He winks at me smirking and I turn back to the screen to smile at myself. I look over at Luke again and he mouths the words "Can't wait for Friday". I turn back to the film and finish my notes.

I wake up with Rory gently shaking my back waking me up, I guess I fell asleep watching the movie. I gather my things then go ready for my next two classes. English with Ashton was fine except for the fact that our final was everything that we've learn through-out the school year. Cooking class was fun because we keep rotating from watching Worlds Worst Cooks and making simple things.

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