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Wednesday June 6 9:39 am

My eyes slowly creep open as I hear my phone go off and I check it.

It's Wednesday and I'm late to school! I quickly get up my towel falling off my body. I yell at myself cursing that I let this happen. Fuck my mom for giving me an edible.

I run to my closet bumping into the corner of my bed. I pull out shorts, an oversized red t-shirt, and my high top black vans to put on. I look in my mirror and my hair looks like shit. I go over to my dresser grabbing my hair brush to untangle my messy wavy hair.

I put it up in my bun before putting a little bit of mascara on so my eyes didn't look so dull.

I grab my backpack and phone before turning the knob to leave the house. It takes me a while to unlock the door because I was still a bit disoriented.

After what it feels like forever I open it sprinting out the door.

I finally get to school during the end of second period p.e. Since I wouldn't have had enough time to dress down and do p.e I watched everyone play games. Plus my sense of direction wasn't the best from last night.

When the bell rang for them to get back dressed I waited for Luke, Ashton, and Calum to come out of the locker room.

"Where were you?" Ashton asked.

"Long story."

"We have time." Calum said.

"Last night my mom gave me an edible and I ate two of them without knowing, I showered." I look down at my legs seeing the horrible job I did at shaving. "Then passed out in my bed waking up 45 minutes ago." I tell.

Calum and Luke laugh. "Damn your mom let you eat not one but two edibles." Calum says.

"Yup." I say popping the P. "I'm still mad."

"Your mom still using drugs?" Lincoln calls out scoffing as the bell rings.

"Your dick still small?" I yell back at him.

His face turns red and he walks the opposite direction to his class. Who the fuck gave him the right to bud into my conversation and make comments about my mom.

Calum high fives me and Ashton and Luke laughs at my comment.

Luke walks me to class. "Not to be cringy or anything but that was savage." He says locking hands with mine as we walk down the hallway.

"Thanks." I laugh.

"Excited for our date tomorrow?" Luke says smiling down at me.

"How could I not be? I'm super excited."

We get to my math class and stop walking waiting outside of it. I feel a vibration in my pocket and I check it, it's a text from Rory reminding me of the party tonight.

"We still have the party to go to." I tell Luke looking up from my phone.

"Are you excited?" He asks.

I lean my weight into my left foot looking at the ground. "I'm trying to be optimistic." I say looking up at him.

Wednesday 7:55 pm

"How do I look?" Rory questions. We both finished getting dressed and Rory was nervous that she didn't look hot enough.

"You look really good, Leo is going to fall in love with you." I compliment.

"Really? I hope so."

Rory was wearing a black long sleeve bodysuit that had a cross body in the front, with dark wash ripped high waisted skinny jeans with over the knee black boots. She wore light makeup and straightened her naturally straight hair.

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