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Thursday June 7 7:06 am
Luke's POV

The sun peaks through her window waking me up from my slumber. One more day till we get out of school until summer, one more day till I have to present in front of the school's superintendent and staff. Tomorrow could either go well or fail horribly. I've made sure that Lina and the guys don't know about it. What I'm doing would betray all of their trust.

After this I'm done being my parents golden boy, I can't live like this anymore. My whole life is a lie and this is not how I want to live. I'm not even aloud to go to school today because they want me to finish out a school day at Saint Ridge.

"How long have you been awake for?" Lina asks sitting up in bed.

"Just woke up." I respond.

She lets out a big yawn rubbing her eyes. "Ugh school." Lina gets up out of bed and goes into her bathroom.

I hear her turn on the sink.

"I won't be at school today." I say sitting up.

She peaks her head from out the doorway a toothbrush in her mouth. She grabs the handle and takes it out.

"Why?" She mumbles.

"We're visiting my brother Ben up at his house."

"Where?" She questions going back into the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth.

"Oregon City." I respond.

"Oh ok, are you going to be at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah definitely, it's just that today we wanted to see him."

She nods her head and searches in her closet for an outfit to wear.

"Are your parents picking you up or are you walking back home?"

Shit, do they know where I am? Oh right Lina sent them a message. I have to get home.

"Uh I have to walk. I should probably get going." I say standing up putting my shoes back on.

"Bye Luke." Lina says.

"Bye." I say as I walk down her stairs to leave her house. I order an uber to pick me up as I stand i front of a random house that wasn't Lina's.

The ride was quick and I finally reach home shuffling inside.

"Get ready for school!" My dad calls out from the kitchen eating his morning oatmeal.

I go upstairs into my room going into my bathroom to take a quick shower. About 5 minutes later I come and going towards my closet pulling out my school uniform.

I change into my school clothes putting on my shoes and styling my hair for today. I meet my mom downstairs and she has breakfast ready for me.

"I missed seeing you wear your uniform." She compliments taking a sip of her coffee.

"Are there any end of the year get togethers?" Ben asks while scrolling through his phone.

"There's one tomorrow night actually but I don't know if I want to go." I confess.

My mom and Ben look at me. "You have to go, why wouldn't you go?"

"You haven't seen your friends in weeks, you can go to this party." My mom says.

"Who's hosting it?"

"Don't know i'll have to ask." I say standing up. "I should probably get going." I grab my backpack.

"Let me take you." Ben offers grabbing his keys.

"Have a good day at school Luke." My mom says as we walk out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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