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Monday May 21 9:36 am

"Ashton I swear I saw him." I whisper sitting on the couch next to Ashton in the living room. We were currently the only ones awake so it was really quiet in the household. I was telling Ashton how I saw him he was the only one I really  trusted on this issue. The others wouldn't really understand or they would flip out, especially Calum.

"Are you sure you weren't just seeing things I mean, we're in Los Angeles there are like a million people here who knows it could just be someone that looks like him." Ashton says exhaling shifting his position on the couch. I think about what Ashton has said and I take it into consideration. Who knows where he could of gone when he left. If it was him that I saw I hope I never see him again.

Ashton and I both turn our heads towards the stairs the noise startling us. A groggy Luke waltz down the stairs putting his hand through his messy hair. "Didn't know you guys were down here?" He says his voice raspy due from just waking up.

"Oh we were just talking, didn't want to wake anyone up." I reassured.

"What about?" He asks sitting down on the couch. I look over at Ashton giving him a look of 'what do I say'.

"Uhh... food, we were talking about food." I say giving a cheesy smile and looking over at Ashton making sure he understands we weren't gonna tell Luke.

"Well I'll make you guys something to eat." Luke gets up from the couch and heads to the kitchen. He opens the fridge door and starts pulling out possible breakfast options. He puts out eggs, bacon, milk, and a substance that looked like flour. He opens up the top cabinet and takes out cooking oil, chocolate chips, butter and syrup.

I look over at Ashton giving him a cautious look and then back to Luke. "How good of a cook are you?" I question.

He grabs a pan from the cabinet then turns on the stove. "That's for you to find out." He says smirking.

"Oh god I better not get food poisoning." Ashton says face palming.

Luke scowls at him. "I'll make sure to spit in your food."

••• Monday 2:56 pm

"Traffic is a bitch." I complain to my friends in the car. We were currently trying to go to the beach because it's fucking hot outside. I rest my chin on my hand looking out the window. The line of cars seemed to go on and on for miles.

"Eye spy?" Ashton suggest as a car game.

"NO." We all yell in unison. We've played eye spy for what it seems like a thousand times during the car ride. There's only so many things you can see when you're stuck in traffic.

We finally arrive and it has cooled down some but not a lot. And luckily I bought a swimsuit. It was a navy blue two piece that I bought while shopping with Luke.

"Don't forget your sunblock." Ashton says to the group rubbing suntan lotion on his arms. Which is weird because it seems like out of all the guys Ashton and Calum seem to get the tannest no matter if they do put on sunscreen.

I skip the sunscreen and go straight into the ocean. The ocean was so blue with many different shades of blue depending on where you were standing, it looked so clear and mesmerizing. I walk towards the water noticing how many couples are actually here. I dip my big toe into the water testing out the temperature, freezing cold oh how fun. I take more steps into the water till it reached my waist.

Luke's POV


Lina quickly turns around and looks at me.

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