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Wednesday May 16 8:30 am

"Fuck you Calum, I like Michael's new hair color." I say defending him. The red was so vibrant and reminded me of Elmo, it really looked good on him. Calum is just a hater.

"All I'm saying is that if he keeps dying his hair it's going to fall out one day. Then how are you ever gonna get a girl Mikey." Calum retorts leaning up against my locker.

"Mikey doesn't need someone to be fucking happy." I respond.

"Speak for yourself Lina not all of us show no romantic feelings for others." Michael responds annoyed.

"Hey can we just all get along." Ashton pleads. We all look at him and turn back to our argument. I walk towards him and sit next to Ash.

"I heard we have a new kid coming today." Ash tells me crossing his arms together. "He is transferring from Saint Ridge Private Academy for the gifted."

"If he's so gifted why is he coming to this hell hole public school," I say picking at my chipped nail polish. "Did he want to rebel against his mommy and try and be "grunge" or "punk", I say putting up air quotes. "Those private academy kids are all the same." I say rolling my eyes.

Class starts and we start to write down notes but I doodle most of the time and occasionally fall asleep. Morning classes go by pretty fast and now lunch arrives the most hectic part of the day. Where everyone goes bat shit crazy in under 35 minutes.

Wednesday 11:52 am

I walk to my locker to grab a pack of gum. I walk to the nearest trash can to throw the wrapper away and stumble into something very tall.

"Excuse you." I mumble. I look up at the very tall very slender human being. He had a black lip ring and his dirty blond hair was to the side. His eyes were very blue and he had plump pink lips. He was wearing a black V neck shirt and black skinny jeans with all black converse. He was skinny with only a few muscle on his body. He smelled of boy mixed with cologne with a hint of mint.

"Stop checking me out then maybe I'll move." I scowl and step to the side but he moves to the side still in my way. He's really testing my patience.

I raise my voice. "Get out of the way." He doesn't budge. I put my knuckles into a fist growing making my nails dig into my palms my jaw clenching. "Move." I look up at him anger growing inside of me.

"Say please." He smirked.

I've had enough of this bullshit.

I swing back and throw my fist into his stomach. He bends over in pain. "Don't tell me what to do." I put my gum wrapper in his pocket right before I walk away. Him still bent over in pain.

I walk back into the cafeteria still mad but somewhat relaxed.

"What took you so long to grab a fucking bag of gum." Michael says questioning me.

"Want the short answer or the long one." I ask giving a toothy smile.

"Short." He replied.

"I punched some random kid in the gut." I laugh.

Calum spits out his milk and Mikey starts dying laughing.

"Why did you punch some random kid. What did he ever do to you," Ashton says all motherly like. "Actions come with consequences." He says naggingly.

"He was in my way, I even asked him to move but he never did so I decided to do something about it, it's not even that big of a deal." I mutter. I love Ashton, I really do like a brother even. But he is such a mom.

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