Chapter 1

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Kim Jisoo

Walking through the halls for the second time isn't as pleasant. Teachers spotted me and sent me to detention since it was very late. Tsk! If they only knew I saved a life. I managed to sneak a lollipop from one of the teachers though, so I licked it until I reached my first class.

I sensed someone was following me. I looked back and saw nothing but the red lockers. I grabbed my phone and put on the mirror, as I did, I saw the seven guys and quickly turned back. I smiled at them innocently and approached them with a cold look. "What are you all doing here?" I asked with an innocent question face. I leaned in with my face looking to the side, which left my ear across their faces. "Oh! And following me too" I leaned back and took my lollipop, looking at it and crushing it with my teeth. They were surprised at my sudden question and the shorty from before spoke up. "We're students here duh" I heaved a sigh and replied back, "But fresh meat should head to the principal's office first, shouldn't they?" I looked at their flustered faces. "How'd you know we haven't went there first huh?" The pretty boy said. "Well, first of all, I saw you and your group on the gate and then you followed the scream, after that, technically following me too". He widened his eyes and stepped back. "What if we didn't know where to go?" The one with the palest skin said. "You do know there are signs around. Or are all seven of you just blind?" I said back, spreading my arms and spinning, basically indicating the signs around the hall. "So, got anything on m-" "MISS KIM GET TO CLASS". A bitchy teacher cut me off. "Fucking teachers these days.. I know I should've been homeschooled" I said hanging my head low. I know teachers are always affected with innocence so I got an idea. The teacher was a new one and a male at most. I looked at him, turning back from the boys.

I approached him with a seductive look, he got flustered and blushed. "But sir, you're new and maybe you could at least let me off this time. After all, I do have detention after class" I said while biting my lip and went closer to him and drew circles on his chest with my index finger. He blushed a deep crimson red. "F-fine" He made sure to gently push me off while escaping me. The seven guys were speechless. I looked at them with a glare and walked to my class.

Third person

"Hyung did you see that!?" Jungkook screamed at Jin, who was still surprised at the girl's cleverness. Suga was blushing, maybe because he put himself in the man's shoes and hardened a bit. Same goes for the others, especially Jimin. "Shit" He cursed under his breath as his pants tightened. Everyone looked at him and burst out in laughter.

They went to the office and got their schedules. They all had the same, surprisingly. They went to their homeroom and saw a familiar face, Kim Jisoo. The girls were all looking at them with hearts except for Jisoo, who looked at them with a glare. "Alright class, here are our new students!" The teacher said, making the girls all scream. And again, except for Jisoo. She gave out an annoyed sigh while taking out her earphones, playing Macklemore and Ryan Lewis songs. She put her head on the desk and doodled her name. The teacher saw this but didn't care since she was scared of her for almost breaking a student's ankle. She looked at the boys and they introduced themselves. The teacher told them to sit at the back row, where the boys and the only girl Jisoo were there. Yoongi sat beside her, where beside him is Hoseok. Since Jisoo was at a corner, Taehyung was behind her, Jungkook beside him, Jin, Jimin, then Namjoon. She looked around her and broke her ballpoint pen. The boys noticed this and all gulped at the same time.

They all figured out that they have the same schedules since they kept on following her. The girls all glared at her since they had to sit at where they sat at homeroom.

It was break time and they all headed out to find a good hideout for fun around the school. They find an abandoned part of the school where they hear an angelic voice singing. They went there and found Jisoo sitting at a really creepy corner with her lips completely dry and pale and her whole body filled with bruises.

"You were comforting and quiet, how did love become so violent?
Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear,
Everything was so sweet, until you tried to kill me,
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

She suddenly looked up to find the boys staring at her wide eyed. She sniffed and looked away. All seven of them were really confused but worried at the same time. Why they would worry about her? I have no idea. She ran away to a much darker portion of the building. The boys were scared to go through, except for Yoongi, who was used to horror. They nudged him and he walked in. "Let's bet he won't die" Namjoon spoke up. Holding both his palms up. "You are a bad father to your older son honey" Jin said, shaking his head a no. Everyone gave him a wtf face.

Yoongi looked around the place looking for the girl with a flashlight in hand. You know? Just in case. He found her sitting in another corner. Her head resting on the wall. She looked at him and was about to escape. "Wait! I really want to know you better" Yoongi said, shining the flashlight down on the ground. "If you want to so bad then you better try" She said, smirking before running of away from his gaze and disappeared into the darkness as if they were one.

Yoongi was up for the challenge, and he knew that the boys would also be. They have always wanted to be friends with loners though. He sighed and looked for his way back to the boys. Jisoo was never lost in her own hideout. She memorized where the abandoned machines were, which gave her an advantage, not the boys. They (the boys) were tripping every minute. Jisoo was already outside and managed not to meet the boys on their way out. She heard a few grunts come near and decided to run back to the main building. The boys were already out and bruised up.

As Jisoo was sitting down on class, every girl's eyes were on her, in a bad way. She sighed and actually wanted the teacher there for once. The boys arrived in bandages and the girls squealed. The other boys in the class though, were glaring at them. Some were confused at why Jisoo wouldn't scream like the others, but some knew that.

Kim Jisoo

I was sat on my chair when the seven guys arrived, a split second after, all the girls squealed, except me of course. I banged my head on my chair and kept it like that until I felt someone tap my back lightly. I turned around to see a boy. A handsome one at that. "U-umm, Jisoo, I-uh, can we talk on lunch?" I nodded my head until I realized it. "Who are you?" I asked the boy. "Kunpimook Bhuwakul" He smiled warmly. "Eh?" I gave him a 'Kunpi-what' face. "Call me Bambam" "Oh alright then". I was embarrassed at myself. "I'll be the one to come to you" Bambam said, before sitting back to his own seat since he was sitting beside me and the boys were here already. The teacher came in exactly when Yoongi sat beside me. A few minutes passed, and in those minutes I never really liked Yoongi's presence near me. I would call it,


I could've sworn he was melting my right cheek. I nervously coughed which caused the teacher's attention. "Miss Kim, are you feeling alright?" He suddenly ask and the whole class turns their head toward me. "Yes sir", He was surprised at my reply since I wasn't really the mannered kid in my class. I may not have the heart but I have the mind. IQ of 148 really helps me.

The bell rung and I rushed out of class, not even bothering to say goodbye. I had a few more classes before lunch.

-magical timeskip brought to you by V's 4D-ness-

Lunch, the time I've been waiting for. It was only the 13th time a student talked to me. I went to the cafeteria and sat at a corner near the window. Our cafeteria is actually on the second floor, closer to the rooftop. YES. I unknowingly smiled and looked up to see Bambam in front of me.

Let's just say that in the first day's lunch was where I got a new friend. Bambam. We both spoke about each other and well, he seems cool. Hehe~ first and last time I'll ever call him that. He decided to walk me home and exchange numbers.

Alright, since he's taking me home, let me tell you about my place. It had a total of 23 rooms. Every room you could imagine is in there. There's even a place that only I know ever since my parents bought it for me. Yes, they bought it for me. Let's just say that students don't know about my life. My parents lived in America for business stuff. Me and my cousin were the only two in our family that were in Korea. She lived in Busan though. Oh well, I have a summer house there anyway.

Bambam was surprised at my place and we both laughed it off. We said our goodbyes and Bambam asked me for him to stay over sometime. We've become really close friends in under 13 hours huh? I sighed a relieved one and went to change and sleep.

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