Chapter 6

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Kim Jisoo

Jin was in the kitchen cooking dinner and let me tell you, dinner here is pretty unique. Eating at 12:00's a total first for me, I meant all of us. He cooked steak that I bought the other day. Everyone went down to the dining table and set up the plates, utensils, and glasses. I grabbed a bottle of Coke, a small one. I put my glass back to the cabinet.

Jin finished cooking and we ate the steak. "This is good Jin" I smiled at him. He noticed the soda and grabbed it. "H-hey" I pouted, "I'm sorry missy but your magic won't work on me" He said with sass. "Goddamit" He widened his eyes and threw the bottle of Coke on the trash can. "You motherfucking son of a fuck, well I know you're not but, who would fucking throw some good shit on a fucking trash can?!" I said, well, yelled. "YAH PROFANITIES!!". Yoongi chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. I finished first and put my plate on the sink. I went to the couch and turned on the tv, putting on a movie. A horror movie.

The movie was The Boy. I called them over and checked our seating.

I was next to Bam and Yoongi, the others were scattered around the living room. I saw Hoseok snuggling next to Jimin, who was hiding his laugh.

The movie started and halfway there, Hoseok was hiding behind a pillow. Me and Yoongi never flinched though. Bam was clutching my arm.

"You scared, Bam?" I asked him, he nodded and stood up. He grabbed some food and gave me two packs of popcorn, he was holding one. I looked around and everyone was falling asleep. Yoongi, me and Bam were the only ones awake, wide awake.

I gave Yoongi the popcorn and he took a handful, pushing it to his mouth. I snickered and the movie was about to end. Dammit, I wanted more action.

"You wanna watch another one?" I asked Yoongi. Bam and everyone else was asleep at the end. He nodded and I took out a whole bunch of horror movies. "I thought girls hated these kinds?".

I laughed, "Not all girls are the same". I gave him the movies and he looked at them. "Marathon?" I asked, putting out my hand for him to low five. We low five and I put on the first movie I grabbed from his hands.

Halfway from the movie, I started falling asleep.

Min Yoongi

Halfway through the movie, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked beside me and saw Jisoo's head on my shoulder.

The movie ended and I looked at her, inspecting her facial features.

She had beautiful eyes, a small cute nose, pink pouty lips, and pale skin. Just like mine.

I then had a memory, a bad one.

I remembered,



"Oppa! Where are you going?" She asked me from across the room, my room. "Somewhere" I answered her. She was my everything until today,

I'm guessing she got out since I got back no one opened the door.

I decided to wait for her and while waiting I heard two people talking. I looked around the corner and saw her talking to a guy. He was tall, and had a handsome complexion.

I went closer to them and hid behind the gigantic vase.

"You know I'll always love you and only you," She said to him. I felt something wet on my cheeks the moment their lips touched. I wiped my tears and waited for her.


I didn't want it to be like that again. I carried Jisoo to her room and looked inside for a while. I saw a notebook and opened it.

It was filled with lyrics.

Her lyrics were amazing. I saw another one and it was her journal thing. Whatever had her memories were in there.

I fucking hate them, especially him. How dare he cheat on me after taking all my money. Even my heart. Fuck that asshole then. He won't even fucking say sorry. He left me in peace, no pieces. It will never mend and I will never love again, mark my words, Junhoe.


Right on Christmas, fuck him. I flipped through another page and saw something interesting.
It was a picture of him and her before they broke up.

Zero fucks given motherfucker

These words were written on top of their picture with a red marker. I chuckled and looked at her. Oh god this is bad but I have to, I need to.

I flipped some more and saw a picture of her brother.

You said you won't leave me oppa, I hate you! I hate all of you!

This didn't have a date. Maybe she forgot. I flipped to the end and saw a torn page. The only thing visible was a note to at least someone.

I know they'll come after me

The B-

And scene! Nope it was cut. I sighed and put it back. She was sleeping like an angel. I found her computer and listened to a few of her songs recorded. They were all good.

I went back downstairs and everyone were piled on the couches. I sighed and went to my room in Jisoo's house. I always had my lyric notebook with me just in case and wrote down a few lyrics for a song, a random one. Who knows? Maybe I'll make this song for Jisoo.

Kim Jisoo

Oh shit, did I just sleep halfway through the movies? Dayumm I was looking forward to those.

I looked around and I was in my room. Yoongi was the only one awake, was I sleep walking? Or maybe he carried-

"Jisoo! Come down sweetie!!" Jin's voice was heard all the way from the kitchen. He interrupted my thoughts. Phew, at least I didn't have to finish that.

I walked downstairs and Yoongi was missing. I went to his room in my house, of course and he was still sleeping. I went to his bed and studied his facial features.

Pale skin, thin lips, beautiful complex- WHAT THE FUDGE WAS THAT JISOO?! Why'd I think that even?

I shook him a little bit and he swore immediately. I put up a poker face and he apologized.

We ate breakfast and oh! It's a Saturday today. "Hey guys, since it's a Saturday what about we hang out a bit?" Almost immediately Bam said, like he was reading my thoughts.

We all agreed and they all went back to their homes to pack up since we were going to a nearby beach. I grabbed a backpack and put in my essentials, phone, headphones, MacBook, camera, lyric notebook, pens, and my fiancé, meet my hubby, neck pillow.

I grabbed three things to wear. My bathing suit, shit, I only have a two piece. I grabbed it anyway and my changing clothes, waist high shorts and a long sleeved shirt. I wore my two piece under an oversized white shirt and flip flops. I grabbed my sun screen too, wouldn't wanna make my pale skin dark eh?

I looked at my phone and saw seven new numbers, not surprised, they must've took it last night.

Let's see.

Princess Jin
I believe in moon rabbits
Obviously Taehyung
Your Sunshine
Wait, where's Yoongi?

Oppa 💗

Alright fudge it Yoongi.

I called Namjoon to ask if they're there already. He told me I was the only one left.

I rushed to my bike, yes I have a bike, not that pedal thing, a real bike.

I grabbed the keys and went to the beach.

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