Chapter 10

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So, I did the chap miscount so here's real chap ten!

Kim Jisoo

Today's a Monday, yay...  

Another day dealing with Yuri, when will this torture stop!?

I woke up at 6:00 cause my alarm clock was such a bitch and decided to move right next to my ear. I sighed and walked to my bathroom, did a quick shower and brushed my hair. I got dressed and didn't forget my leather jacket. It is kinda cold today. 

What I found downstairs surprised me, Yoongi was sitting on one of the couches, playing on his phone. I sneaked my way to the kitchen, I don't know why I sneaked my way there though. Was it because of last night? When I confessed to myself about liking him, geez, I never thought crushes were this hard before my first time crushing on someone.

I grabbed a protein bar and orange juice. Simple breakfast, no problems, right?

I went back upstairs and grabbed my backpack, it was never touched until we came back home. I did a quick check on my things.

Gadgets, notebook, scattered pens and pencils, eraser, candy sacks, sketchbook, lyric notebook.

These were my so-called essentials. I got into drawing and painting too, these were actually fun until I recalled my memory with Junhoe at art class before.

Why did he have to cheat?

Forget about him Jisoo!! You've got Yoongi to love and he isn't even your bf!

I sighed once more and ate the protein bar, drank the oj and went downstairs like I didn't see Yoongi before. I walked past him, who was still playing with his phone. I did a quick peek without him noticing and succeeded.

He was scrolling through pics of me! Oh! My! God! Does he like me?! I shouldn't keep my hopes up too high though, I might get hurt more than me knowing this fallen angel will nevertheless love me back like I do.

I pouted and went outside. Timecheck, 6:47. I never did my routine this long, maybe because I imagined how it'd be like to have Yoongi as my boyfriend at the shower? Oh well, I got a reason to imagine that anyway.

Wait!! 6:47!! I'm almost gonna be late!! The teacher told us today was going to be an early enter and an early dismissal. Teachers had a meeting today and Yoongi isn't even standing up! Should I ask him to go with me? Maybe I'll get rejected? Not that he'll have another choice though!

I went back inside and dragged Yoongi to the front door. "H-hey! Jisoo, what are you doing!?" He panicked at my grip, what can I do? He's heavy. He's already wearing his uniform anyway, I let go of him and he landed down the ground with a loud thud. He groaned in pain while I was looking for bag. Found it. I grabbed it and him and dragged him outside, gave him the bag and a protein bar I got from the kitchen before peeking at his phone.

He thanked me and walked past me, heading to the direction of the school. "Hey! Don't walk past me Yoongi! I-I wanted to ask you if youd want to have a r-ride to school with m-me?" Shit, why'd I stutter?

His eyes widened with glee and hugged me, after all it's almost time for class. I grabbed my keys and sat down the front of my bike, him behind me. "Why are you in front?" "Do you think you could beat traffic when we're this late, sure the school's close but still" He shut up and put his arms around my waist.

I gulped and felt his stomach press against my back, damn. I feel a six pack back there. I blushed furiously and drove off.

He tightened his grip when I was doing a sharp turn. He slightly brushed  my, you know? And after a few seconds, I felt something poking my back. Don't tell me..

I turned my fucking crush on!

I smirked and blushed at the same time. You get the idea?

We arrived the school a minute before class. I chained my bike and ran inside. 


We both sat down exactly as the bell rung. BTS and Bam laughed at us, but Bam wasn't that happy, I'm glad he still laughed though.

Skip all this class crap

The bell rung for lunch and what's after lunch today? PE! Yay!!I sat down with Bam and BTS, glad that Yuri didn't bitch out today, well for now, I guess.

I sat in between Yoongi and Bam. We laughed at our own stories until Yuri's group came. Her two minions remained standing up, giving Bam and BTS flirty looks, trust me, it gross af.

Yuri squished her way between me and Yoongi, pushing me out of my seat in the process. BTS and Bam all stood up and helped me. Yoongi was held back by Yuri, I sighed and tried not to unleash the beast in me.

I just sat down beside Bam, which is still next to bitch face. She flirted with Yoongi. Tried to kiss him as well. But I'm glad he deflected her attacks. She looked at me and spoke up, "What are you still doing here? Bitch! I'm supposed to be the only princess in here so move your ugly and worthless ass out of this table, my Yoongi is hungry and I don't think he wants trash like you next to him" She gave out a long ass speech and gestured me to move out.

"I don't think Yoongi would want a piece of shit feeding him and for the record, you're the bitch" "Just try me, you don't know what I can do to your family"

Okay, quick confession my parents may not be free but they own the biggest company in the world. The takers were intimated with the security so they let my parents free, lolz, after all the crap I told you guys before. Except for Francine's parents though, they weren't free.

"You don't even know my history dumbass, so I advice not getting in my way before my parents find out" "And do they own a restaurant branch?" "They don't," she smirked "but they do own Shin Company, only the biggest in the world, and bitch I'm the heir, so if you don't want your future apprehended, you shouldn't speak up to an empress, oh dear princess" I smirked at her and squished my way between her and Yoongi, fuck it Yoongi, now I'm giving out hints, you better understand these.

Now I pushed her off, her minions were bewildered and ran off. She demanded proof so I showed her a business card. She widened her eyes and bowed to me, saying sorry a thousand times. Even my table mate s were stunned. "I forgive you, I know you were a bitch to me but, oh well, at least you didn't kill me, just don't ever be one to anyone else or, you'll see me in beastmide again, just be a good princess, trust me, it's a better pathway" I smiled at her warmly and helped her up.

She accepted and we started over. Friends meter is going great

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