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Kim Jisoo

As I said these words, the cheers grew louder. I never saw Bam open his mouth after that. I'm happy Yoongi loves me back though, very. Jin cooked us dinner and after dinner comes the movies. Horror is life and I own this place so I grabbed a random horror movie and put it on. Hoseok, Jimin, Francine, and Yuri were all trembling when the narrator told the story. Taehyung wrapped an arm around Yuri which made her calm down a bit, while Jimin wrapped his hand around Francine's waist, damn boy.

Yoongi and Bam were the two beside me. It's real awkward here, in the middle. Between the guys you love, which you just both confessed to each other earlier, and the guy that first helped you. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking of what to do since the movie was boring. A sudden jumps are happened and it took me by surprise, I suddenly cling onto Yoongi's arm and hide behind it. Who turned up the volume? The movie ended, also the clinging onto Yoongi part.

I asked them if they'd like to go outside tonight, the garden and all. The pool was also a good idea. I grabbed my tape, where the song for Yoongi was recorded and I smiled. Maybe I should give it to him? I went to the garden and looked for Yoongi. He wasn't there, I went upstairs and knocked on his door. He opened and let me in, a light pink stained his cheeks.

He smiled at me before turning his back to me and, seemed to be doing something. I quickly put the tape on his nightstand and left the room. I chuckled and put a hand over my mouth, hope he didn't hear that. I went to my room and looked out my window to see everyone happy and partying? In the garden? I went downstairs and found Bam, he was alone, sitting on one of the stools, admiring the flowers surrounding him. I walked to him and he turned to me. We smiled at each other before he asked something unexpected.

"Do you really love him?"

Min Yoongi

She left my room just as I was about to show her my song. I frowned but smiled as I saw a tape on my nightstand, I grabbed it  and listened to it. Did she put this here? I mean, she's the only person who actually entered this room with me in it. So I guess she did. She's always so good at everything, even a simple smile would content me. I smiled wider as the song has gotten to that point where she was thinking of confessing to me. Aww, she just so precious.

Kim Jisoo

A tear rolled down my cheek, I lost a friend. I can't lose the one who helped me stand up.


"Do you really love him?", I looked at him with a puzzled expression before nodding a yes and softening my eyes, remembering his features and personality. "And you don't even know how I feel about you", my eyes widened as he said this.

"The person who helped you be a tad bit social, was neglected since you had new friends to spare," "Bam, it's not like that-". I stopped myself from speaking, his eyes were bloodshot and his hands formed into fists. "Why can't you feel my love for you Jisoo!?" He shouted this which caused everyone's attention. They looked for a good five seconds, before doing what they were doing again. "You just lost one friend" He glared at me and left my house, grabbing his bag. I chased after him, but every time try to, he knocks me back. The reality hit me and i recalled every single moment I was neglected by every person I once knew. Even my own parents.


The tears kept rolling down after the first thirteen, and yes, I kept count of it. I know that I could never keep friends. After all, they are hard to find but easy to lose. I looked back at the garden and saw smiling and happy faces plastered on everyone's faces. I locked myself in my room and once again, I felt the feeling of isolation. These feelings were the ones that triggered the me before I met BTS, Yuri, and Bam. I cried myself to sleep. I guess the others are still playing around. I let myself get dragged back to dreamworld. 

Next Morning

I had an immense headache, maybe because of the crying? No, I wouldn't cry that much for Bam right? I mean he is the one who helped me up but-..

How could I be so stupid? Why didn't I just-- 

I should stay strong, one person can never bring me back to ignorance. I went out my room and saw BTS in the living room, except for Yoongi. Oh no, did they not know where to sleep? Yuri and Francine slept together, I guess? I got ready and dressed. I woke all of them up and told them to get ready. They asked how since there's only one bathroom, I giggled and said that there were a lot of rooms that had self bathrooms. Taehyung looked like and idiot trying to process that.

I  grabbed my essentials bag and went to my bike. They can all use some fat burning. After last nights dinner, I know they do. I sped off in my bike but halted. I went out too early and decided to come to the bubble tea shop where I had become a regular. And gained a new friend, his name was Oh Sehun. He's pretty handsome, I don't understand why he still doesn't have a girlfriend, but I just know he's crushing on someone.

I can tell if somebody likes another, but not if it's me. I'm pretty oblivious to these. I ordered the usual, chocolate, and a handful of candy. Yes, they have that. I smiled and payed for both, harshly putting the candy on my knapsack pocket, which hung around a shoulder. I grabbed my bubble tea and went outside, I had a little chat with Sehun before coming out, he said he liked a girl. Yes! My conspiracy was true. I just told him to check the perfect timing and that if she has a boyfriend, she's not worth it. A sudden memoery of Junhoe flashed on my mind.

It was when I first tried to confess to him, co platelets blinded by his appearances. A friend of mine told me that same thing I told to Sehun. I shrugged it off and drank a sip of my bubbah tih. I smiled as I remembered last nights memory of Yoongi, I frowned remembering the other incident. I drank my bubble tea with a poker face, sipped it to the last drop and threw it on the trash can. I rode my bike to school. 

I got there early, but not too early. BTS and the others were there, Bam wasn't. I frowned but forced a smile. I sat on my seat and let me tell you, the awkwardness is fighting me. It feels like the one sided love story is back. I looked at Yoongi, admiring his features for the millionth time. He turned to me and gave me a gummy smile. I smiled back and the tears rolled down, he was confused but enveloped me in a hug. The others were too busy with their love interests and friends that no one saw us, or even notice us. Yoongi did something unexpected, after hugging me, he cupped my face and kissed my cheeks, tears basically. There was one tear that slides right beside my lips. He kissed me now near my lips, where the tear slid down. I hugged him again.

"Thank you"

"No problem, don't cry anymore"

"Stop being cliché, I hate it"

"You won't complain when you get me under the sheets". He winked too


"Love you too"

I smiled at him and messed his hair. He growled and tickled me. I begged him to stop, but it isn't working. I decided to cup his face and yes! He stopped! I let go of his face and poke my young out. He got his revenge by cupping my face again and twisting his head to the left a little. Making it look like he's about to kiss me. I blushed madly and leaned closer, but he stopped. I got mad and crossed my arms, turning my back to me. "Hey, I'm sorry" "hmph"

He kissed my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled and turned back at him, right before he was about to kiss my neck. We ended up kissing each other on the lips and his tongue was out! SSSSSSSEEEEEYYYYYYVVVVVV MMMMMIIIIIHH

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