Chapter 4

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Kim Jisoo

After lunch, it was Physical Education. Yay!

I ran to class with Bam, since we had the same schedule to everything. I changed into spandex and a white shirt. I swear to God these shorts should be banned. They're too short they look like underwear. I went to the gym and saw the seven guys. I looked around more and every girl's buttcheeks were hanging out of their shorts.

I pulled my shorts down and sighed. The teacher called us to form a circle in the centre of our yard. I was really excited. I knew how to play basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, and fencing. I was also thought how to swim. I smiled widely and raised my hand for basketball tryouts. I was the only girl. To which every boy who raised their hand laughed at me. "HEY! I may be a girl! But that doesn't mean I can't learn this sport!" I shouted at the one closest to me. The teacher sighed and told us to shoot basketballs into the net, from near to far, to two hands to one. After a few boys' tries, mostly all of them failed, including some of the ones who were laughing at me. It was my turn. It was the nearest to farthest, two hands to one hand. I shot every ball perfectly. Even with one hand to the other end of the court. The boys in that room were surprised while the girls were all focusing on the newbies.

I glared at the ones who laughed at me and failed. But smiled warmly after. I approached them and said, "You can always practice more you know?" I crossed my arms and put all my weight to one side. He nodded and was flustered since one of my buttcheeks were out and I knew it. I widened my eyes and stood up straight again, coughing nervously. Two of the newbies got in the team though, baby face and pale. The teacher asked for volleyball and I raised my hand again. Another tryout, won. I got into two teams volleyball and basketball.

The teacher asked for marathon and I was raising my hand again. "My, my Jisoo, you've changed" "I wanted to anyway" I smiled at him and kept on raising my hand. Yuri then raised her hand. Did I mention that she tried to cope up with me at volleyball. "You two, Yuri and Jisoo, one of you will be our representative for this class for running. Whoever gets more comes in a minute around the yard will get it alright?" He said and we nodded. We both had to start at the same time. 30 seconds passed and I was on my 13th cone while she was at her 3rd. Another 30 seconds passed and I completed 50 cones and still not sweating. Let's just say that I don't sweat that easily. The yard was as big as my summer house, which was real big and I actually got 50 cones. That's a first. I only get 28 cones usually. Meh. Yuri stopped at her 10th cone. She was a mess. "And Jisoo how'd you get that much stamina?!" I shrugged and smiled nervously. "Jisoo's our representative and our muse!!" Bam yelled through the crowd and I smiled. Everyone had their jaws dropped. PE ended sadly. "Jisoo can I talk to you for a sec" The teacher asked me. I nodded and followed him to his office. "What do you say about our school's sports representative" "I-uh," I was hesitant because this was a real first and I was timid before. "Sure", He smiled at me and informed the other teachers while showing them the video of my running battle.

A few more and this day's over.


The bell rung and I looked up smiling. I didn't bother to let the teacher to dismiss us for our going home anthem. I waited for Bam at the school gate. There was a tree that was next to the gate which helped me. I climbed up and sat on a trunk. I listened to music and bobbed my head to it. I looked down and saw Bam. I gestured him to come up and listen to the songs too. He just shrugged and pointed to the side and I saw the seven guys. I smiled at them warmly. Ugh, this is so awkward. I didn't climb down though. I put all my stuff in my bag and dropped it to the ground. I was wearing a skirt, every girl was. This is tricky. I put one leg down the trunk and found a part of the bark which was really strong. I twisted my way down and grabbed my bag.

"I think now' a good time for introductions" I said to them. "Yesterday, coldie, now a sweetheart" Shorty said. I smacked him upside the head and snorted. I looked at pretty boy and put my hand up for him to shake. "Jisoo, Kim Jisoo" I said as he shook my hand. "Kim Seokjin". Shorty pushed him and shook his hand with mine. "Park Jimin". The process continued until every boy was introduced, except for the palest one.

"Yah hyung" Taehyung poked his shoulder and he turned to me. He was blushing, it was really evident on his pale cheeks. I shaped my mouth a smile and squished his cheeks. "You're blushing!" I smiled while squishing them more. "So cute!!" I said, while unkwoingly giving out an eye smile. I put my hands down and put out my right hand. "Min Y-yoongi" He said as he shook my hand. "Awe he's stuttering~" I mumbled to myself. Everyone else burst into laughter and we went to the convenience store earlier to get to know each other. So here's my quick profile about them.

Kim Seokjin- Eomma, loves pink, oldest
Min Yoongi-cold and serious, palest second oldest
Kim Namjoon-Appa, apparently the leader of their group BTS, third oldest
Jung Hoseok-Sunshine, Energetic, Nicest, fourth oldest
Park Jimin-SHORTEST, apparently the 'hottest', third youngest
Kim Taehyung-4D, cute little alien, goofy but charming, second youngest
Keon Jungkook-strongest, hates math, youngest

I've gotten close to everyone except Yoongi. And to think he was the one who wanted to know me. They decided to walk me home and once we reached it they said to have a sleepover including Bam. They all called their houses to tell whoever about it. They all had separate rooms and I dressed up in an oversized, white shirt with really short shorts and cute pink fluffy bunny sandals. The boys were all wearing shirts and shorts too. I called all of them to the living room and they all went red a split second after seeing me. I kicked Jimin, who was blushing the most, in his stomach.

This night's definitely gonna be fun

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