Chapter 7

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I rushed to the beach and saw a van and a pedal bike. We were the only people here! Yasssss! But weird..

I went to them via motorbike and sprayed sand on them. They got pissed off and tried to catch me but I was too fast and ankle breaked them. I laughed and parked my bike.

I went towards them with my backpack on one shoulder and my headphones on my head and my hubby on my neck. My phone was on the other hand.

Princess Jin was talking about being safe around a motorbike and I just shrugged and played songs on my phone. I went to a chair, you know, those ones where you can lie down, and grabbed my MacBook. I played an unfinished song and fixed it there.

I felt a stare, two stares. Meh, probably just some seagull. But it felt like a human. Whatever.

When I finished the song I decided to sleep until the boys , including Bam sprayed water on me. "Oh you're all fricking dead!" I shouted as they all headed for the water. I grabbed all of them and tied them all together with a random rope I found nearby.

I decided to mess with them. I went to the water with my shirt, dammit. I took it off and put it in my backpack. I looked back to see them all red. Especially Bam and Yoongi.

I sighed and grabbed a water gun from a kid, I just borrowed it and sprayed water on all of them. I thanked the kid and gave him a lollipop. "Don't worry there ain't no poison in there" I smiled at him and untied the guys.

"So, who planned all this?" I asked them and they all looked at Jungkook. "Is he the strongest?" They all nodded and pushed him forward. I head locked him and gave him candy after. "Thanks bro, because of you I can finally spray water down you faces" He smiled nervously and walked backwards.

I went back to my seat until I heard a cry. Oh and people also came to the beach like the kid. "Please miss! My son is drowning!" A woman sobbed while clutching my arm. Exactly like the fire before. I nodded and went to the part she pointed at.

I swam down and the kid was at the bottom floor, he was the one who lent me the water gun. I grabbed him and took him to the surface.

I felt for his pulse and pushed his chest lightly until he started coughing. They both thanked me and I went back to the guys my hand at the back of my head. I actually obtained the water gun since the kid gave it to me as a thanks. I splashed Yoongi, who was sleeping in the face and he woke up. We all went to a beach hut to eat.

"Jisoo, were you a model before?" Jin asked. "I'm 16 bro, why would I work so young and I don't need money that early" I answered him. "You just look like one" I nodded and called for pizza. I ordered nine boxes. I grabbed two and gave them the other seven. I ate two whole boxes and the boys were all stunned. "What?" I asked them innocently.

I stood up and grabbed a rented speaker and plugged my phone in. I put it on shuffle and Weak by AJR played. I danced to it and the boys were joining me too. A dubstep came next and me and Hoseok randomly danced to it.

A ballroom dance came in and me and Hoseok partnered up. We both laughed at the closeness we've all become in only overnight.

Yoongi was my goal though, I wanna know him more since he seemed like me.

I sighed and we went back home except for Yoongi. "Aren't you going home?" I asked him, he shook his head and told me he got kicked out. I felt bad for him and let him live with me for the time being. Ah hah! A way to become close. That must've explained why he brought a big bag.

We took my motorbike to get to my place and I entered the passcode. He went directly to his room and placed his things where they were supposed to be.

"You must be lonely here huh?" Yoongi asked me, I didn't even notice he was down here already. I widened my eyes and held onto his shoulders since I was about to fall out of surprise. We both eventually fell back because of the stupid law of physics and he landed on top of me.

Our faces were only inches away. We both blushed and he looked away, not letting go. I kissed his nose so that his arms would go weak and eventually let me go. But my plan backfired, he only fell on top of me more and our lips crashed into each other's. I widened my eyes and he did too. We stayed like that for a good ten seconds before we both processed what was happening.

"I'm sorry Jisoo I uh is that your first ki-" I cut him off by putting my lips to his. "That was the only way to shut you up" I shrugged and ran to my room out of embarrassment.

My phone rang and I looked at the ID. Finally she decided to call me, it was Francine, my cousin from Busan. Long time no chat. "Hi there cousister! How ya doing?" She asked me. "I'm doing great" "oh and I'll be going there cousis, I decided to stay at your place for the meantime since it's soooo lonely here," Sha said as I giggled. "Yeah sure and if a boy lives with me, that'll be Min Yoongi, a friend" I told her. "Only?" I could tell she was putting on the other line. "Yes.. only" "aww do you like him?" "I guess". Right after I answered her she squealed. Maybe because this is the first time I've ever actually liked a boy after Junhoe.

We talked some more and told me she'll be here in two days. God I'm excited! Since we,were the only two people from our blood that's free, I had a special room for weapons my parents told only me before they left, I told Francine about this too and we never told anyone else.

I went to her usual room. She stayed here a few years ago. I fixed the bed and set up some things like the tv and the things at the bathroom. I'm pretty sure she'll like a basket of snacks here too. I looked at Yoongi's door and heard a crash. Shit. What'd he do now?

I barged in and he was at the floor with the bed stretched upward. He held a remote and was specifically planning to open the tv with it but grabbed the wrong one. I laughed and helped him up. I grabbed the wrong remote and gave him the right one.

"Thanks" "no prob" I smiled at him and remembered. "Oh and my cousister will be here in two days, act normal" I warned him. She can get a little fangirl-ish when I have a boy around. Except when I was with Junhoe. She never trusted him in the first place anyway, and she was right.

"I'll be at the store nearby," I looked back at him "and try to figure things out for now".

I went to the convenience store and grabbed her fave snacks and drinks.

Min Yoongi

What does she mean by act normal? I sighed and looked out the window. I saw her opening the gate and walking to the convenience store. I felt weird when I'm around her. Please God, if I'm gonna fall for her, at least don't make her like that cheating bitch. Oh wait she's not.

She's totally different.

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