Chapter 15

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Kim Jisoo

My eyes widened, and so did his. We quickly pulled away and stammered.

"I'm sorry Jisoo-"

"No, no it's-"

"I'm really--"

An eraser hit his head from behind and we both looked at the culprit. It was Hoseok, who was playing a try not to get hit by an eraser game with Taehyung, I swear, those meddling kids.

Me and Yoongi both stuttered and said sorry so many times to a point that he won. We shut up as the door was slid open, revealing the teacher for our homeroom. I smile at her and she smiled back, unexpectedly. I guess she's seen a few progress in me. "Alright class, the sports tournament is in a week!," She smiled at all the athletes in her class, "so you all better train!!".

Everyone was surprised at her sudden shout. "What I'm saying is that the athletes in this class and all the other classes will be having no  mental classes, only physical education for the whole week before the tournament, so you athletes, pack your bags and head to the gym! Grab your gym wear as well my children!! Don't lose this shit on me!" Everyone laughed at her last words and we, athletes, yeah I'm cocky, grabbed our bags and ran to the gym. 

There were only a total of 10 girls in our class' athletes. The boys all turned out to be a 14. Sweet~. Yuri was in the volleyball team, and so was Francine. She did try outs on her first day, as I recall. I practiced sprints first then volleyball. After those, basketball, where my beloved Yoongi has been waiting for me. I smiled at him and the other boys as I walked my way to the basketball court-part of our gym.

After a lot of skinship and matches

Okay, he's gone too far. He's getting it tonight, wonk wonk. Yoongi has been 'accidentally' touching parts of my body on our matches. The whole day we trained, and I was lucky enough to get a chance to swim, together with the other athletes, for relaxation. I changed to my swimsuit, which all the other girls were wearing. A simple navy blue one piece, with thin straps. Sounds Japanese, but it is. (I'm only saying this cause Japan's the only country I know that has uniform-swimsuit and shiz)

I sighed as all the boys wolf whistled when I passed them, in return, I kicked them in the nuts. "That teaches you guys a lesson not to whistle at me or, you," I death glared at them and continued, "die"

They gulped and nodded quickly, the ones I spared of kicking that is. I smiled at them warmly and went to the diving board, highest. You only live once they say, well, spare my life, would they say? That's nonsense, but hey YOLO

I did a perfect execution. (What the hell is your author-nim saying, send help) The others gasped and awed as I poked my head out of the water. I tricked Yuri and Francine by pulling them by their feet underwater, and guess what? It worked, they screamed for help and that ended up by me getting two smacks across the head. I met new friends as well, all of the athletes, actually. Mom, do you sense my revenge on that hoe? I know you do, not just the cheating hoe, but the kidnapping hoe.

I smiled as the day ended. I wanted to actually drive Yoongi home today, I swear, our love story is owned by me. Kidding. I called out for Yoongi and dragged him to my bike. Smiling wider as he sat down behind me. The drive home wasn't as awkward, also, the poking me from behind thing was gone as well. We got home safely.

"Yoongi, what's with the sudden skinship in today's match?". He looked at me, smirking and grabbed my hand. He brought me to his room and showed me the tape I put on his nightstand. "You asked for it right? Also," He leaned closer. "You asked for a kiss as well. He closed the gap between us and before I knew it, we were kissing, again! My paradise was ended when a doorbell was heard. "Don't they know the passcode?" Yoongi asked me. "I told Francine, she must've forgot.." I frowned as I dragged my feet to his door. "You're getting it tomorrow". WTF DID THAT MEAN, MIN YOONGI?!

I widened my eyes and opened his door, going out I saw a smirk on his face in the corner of my eye. I smiled, skipping through the steps of the staircase and opened the door for Francine and Yuri. "It's HYTL", they nodded and went inside. I picked a flower from my garden. La vie en rose. I don't know what that means, but I heard my mother say it. I'm guessing life in pink? Whatever. The flower I picked was random and I looked down and saw a rose in hand.

I gathered more and put them in a vase. Let's make this Beauty and the Beast shall we? I wanted to tell Yoongi, up close, and personally, that I love him. Without other people around. Only us. I realized what I was thinking and slapped myself. Can't seem to get him out of my head.

Fine  || Min Yoongi Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora