Chapter 20

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Third Person

The night went by fast. Yoongi slept on his bed. Jisoo fell on the ground of her wonderland. They woke up, at the same time. They weren't late for school. It was clearly still 4:00 am. Jisoo got out of her wonderland and forgot about Yoongi and the girl. Yoongi, however still had his mind and emotions mixed up. They said that opposites attract. But is this the kind of attraction it said about? They haven't attracted each other, they attracted their negative sides, at least for Yoongi.

Jisoo. She stayed calm, even after passing by Yoongi's room to get washed up and dressed for school. Purposely earlier that the others. She washed herself, and her thoughts came back, instead of them washing down with the drain of soap and water. 

She thought back on yesterday but Bambam's face appeared in her mind and she got back to being peaceful. Yoongi had a headache. He didn't leave his bed to do anything at all. He simply only woke up. He turned to his drawer. One of them contains the record of Yoongi's song for Jisoo, he remembered this and cried again. 

Jisoo went outside and kept her head down. 

"Smile through the pain"

Her mother used to tell her. But how could she smile through whatever's been happening? She forced a smile during her walk and found herself in front of Bambam's door. She knocked and he opened the door for her. 

Kunpimook (I forgot how to spell his last name :P)

I opened my door. Who would want to come at my place this early?! It showed Jisoo. Her lips were quivering but they formed a forced smile. It was obvious. I yawned and asked her why she was here. She told me that she had to go to a friend that she could trust to show something special.

She told me to get fixed up so I did. I found her playing with her phone. She looked up and saw me. She smiled genuinely and stood up, guiding me back to her place. She led me to the garden and went to an almost-too-well-hidden door and twisted the knob. The door had a logo of a fox.

She went inside and ushered me in. The first few steps of being inside her 'secret garden' were amazing. Different colours were everywhere. Like a wonderland. The scents were all perfectly blended and Jisoo sitting down a picnic blanket, smiling, felt like a heaven. It felt like how my mother showed me the cabin.

I sat down next to her and she closed her eyes. I did the same, opening my left eye to look at her. I opened both and studied the expression she had on.

"He kissed another girl". I widened my eyes and asked who it was.

"Yoongi," she opened her eyes and looked at the river. She looked back again and closed her eyes.

"Don't kill him, for me"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see it, but I'm sure she could feel it. She smiled and hugged me, it caught me off guard and I hesitantly hugged back. Her arms were wrapped around my waist, so I did the same but put one arm around her head. Her face was buried in my chest.

I felt something wet. Jisoo was crying. Yoongi must've had a big impact on her. He should've said sorry. I swear, if we ever have to meet again.

Min Yoongi

I finally sat down and opened one of the drawers, the one with the recording. I held it and unconsciously threw it on the ground. I stomped on to a lot of times. It's surely broken by now, and so was Jisoo's heart. She was supposed to be the Miss Cold we knew. She was never like this, until my ex came back. 

She just used me for one last kiss. Jisoo could've given me more love. Why am I so stupid to even think about our memories from the past!? That's just gonna trigger my old, foolish self again!

I looked out my window. I looked at the convenience store me and Jisoo used to eat at. I cried and looked at the park. I saw her figure with her feet on top of the man, who acted as a footrest for her. Of course it would be imaginary. I smiled and cried at the same time.

I turned back to the broken record and crushed it more. She could never love me after this.

Kim Jisoo

Bam bought me ice cream after my wonderland trip. I still am confused with my emotions. Does Yoongi's still even love me? Can he even? I suppose not. He needs to find someone better than me. Someone who loves makeup and short dresses. Someone who asks him to make out with. I was never like that in the short period of time I was with him. I was never like the girl he kissed. I was never like his love ideal, right?

I was never supposed to love him, and he was never supposed to love me. So we might as well end this.

As of now  min Yoongi is only a friend. Not a lover. Never a lover. And never a crush. And I will never be fine with him.

I sighed as the thoughts engulf my mind and heart. My heart felt like it was stabbed for the millionth time today. I continued eating my ice cream and looked ahead the road before me and Bam. I looked at him, only to see him looking at me. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I smiled. I'm happy with him more than Yoongi, right?

I'm fine with him.

Min Yoongi

She could never love me now, that I knew. She must be happy with another man, not me. I wasn't the one she was destined to be with. She should be fine with another. And I should be too. I should thrive and survive in the war of love. I've won already, Kim Jisoo, you should know that. 

I'm fine without you. It's over, my love for you.

I swear, in the name of music, I will find a person who I'm fine with.

Trust me.

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